Of course. As my wife says - and I think she borrowed it from her dad, a man full of pearls of wisdom - "There's no end to the things you can do if you're handy with money."
On a side note, I do find it intriguing that so many here equate coming in to more money as removing you from debt. You don't have to be wealthy to be debt free, and I know plenty of people who make tons of money but still end up with virtually nothing at the end of the pay period because they have no self discipline. The key at any income level is to spend every dime you make. Now by this I don't mean blow it, but assign it to a task, yes I mean sit down and do a written budget and stick to it. Budget for everything, including saving and charitable giving. Even budget for "walkin' around" money....the stuff you're just going to blow.
Sure life can be tougher the less money you make, but you don't have to be miserable. That's the biggest reason why so many who come in to big money like lottery winners end up broke in a fairly short time. They decide they have to live in a huge house instead of just a nice house in a nice neighborhood. They have to buy an $80,000 BMW instead of the $35,000 to $40.000 Lexus. No, you don't have to be a miser, but just making better choices with your money can go a long way to a happier life and fewer money worries. Of course, for married folks, you must be on the same page or this plan just won't work.