Haha! It's got the acting quality of vintage porn only without the redeeming quality of the porn part....just all the bad lead-up acting.
JoinedPosts by CoonDawg
Old JW Movie
by exwhyzee ini thought this might be worth running again as there are new ones on here that may not have ever known about this.this movie was shown once a year at our hall during the 60's and into the 70's as well.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzfu_vcwqso.
Have You Ever Experienced Depression?
by minimus inmy mom does and has every ailment under the sun.. i know more people that are under meds for depression than not.. fortunately, i do not suffer from depression but i wonder how many do or have, especially if you were a witness..
Satanus and WasNewBoy both have great points that go together. Tolle's "Power of Now" talks about quieting the mind and recentering without the egoistic "Me"...Satanus is getting to the same point. Quiet the mind periodically so that the inner you can be tapped into. It's a powerful thing to truly quiet yourself so that you can see the true person of worth on the inside that can be and often is in harmony with the rest of the world.
you have become the thing you hated.
by TheJigsUp ini was reading a thread on here the other day, and it occured to me.
the very thing i have claimed in the title.. reading you all bickering over a certain subject.
i assumed that some of you are only here to genuinely to create arguments, and i saw that some are genuinely lost and some of you dont believe they are lost but they are.. i saw you judging your fellow posters as if you knew something, but truth be told none of us do.
I think it's important to remember that, though you acknowledge that you are aware of how much you don't know - you still keep asking those great human questions. That's part of what makes us who we are - to not just accept things as they are, but to question the status quo. Some are tactful in their arguments while some are blunt. Devolving into personal attacks is where I draw the line because that's no longer an interchange of ideas, it's the resort of someone who has no valid argument, but refuses to concede a point that he or she is emotionally invested in.
The futility of political debate on an ex-JW forum
by willyloman inthis is a forum for fomer jehovah's witnesses.
that is a cult that drills into its members the concept that the political process is evil, delusional, selfish, greedy, and satanic.
it's fascinating to hear so many political naifs express themselves with such certainty and fervor.
lifeisgood said:
"Some with agendas beyond balancing the budget seem to have carved out groups of followers - or simply used tea party support to carry out their own agendas."
And? Groups of followers? What are you talking about? You are just making this crap up.
Oh, that's right...BizzyBee was the one who gave a reasonable response to my answer to you on THIS THREAD. My mistake for using you at the center of my argument for civility and reasonableness.
Unkown tribute to Liz Taylor - now revealed.
by james_woods init is a nude photograph, probably nsfw, but in extremely good taste.. it was taken by her friend actor roddy mcdowall after he assured her it would be done in good taste, and was a present to her new husband todd.
she was 24.. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1372513/intimate-portrait-liz-taylor-24-seen-time.html.
Wow...she was a real looker in her prime!
State your "epiphany moment " for leaving the WT
by caliber ini have found some powerful reinforcements when people have stated their " epiphany moment "... please share some.. my turning pointing began when i was badly hurt by a person i had always viewed as a literal brother.
i realized that if his.
love was conditional.... if it was the case with him , then how about those i had less affection for and trust in ?.
For me, it was during a meeting where I'd been asked to substitute for the #4 talk on the TMS. I began to realize how easy it was for me to write the most inane bullshit and deliver it with a straight face as if I'd spent weeks working on it. Then after the meeting, I had an interaction with a regular R&F kind of brother who was just trying to live his life and do what he thought was right. He didn't have much that he was "privileged" to do beyone the occasional mic handling. He tried to engage me in conversation, but I was too busy to have the time of day for him, a regular guy.
He didn't say anything and probably never ever realized that he was a player in a key moment of my life. When I got home, I realized how much I was getting to despise myself. I was becoming one of those shallow glad-handing brother who will say "Hey, how are you?" then literally turn away because he couldn't give a rat's ass how you were or anything about you. I realized it was becoming so much bullshit that was only about the appearance of things, not substance. This coming on top of my ex-wife's shenannigans with a married elder proved to be more than I could go along with. I didn't stop attending all at once - and maybe I never consciously thought that I was quitting....but that night is what actually began my "fade."
Have You Ever Experienced Depression?
by minimus inmy mom does and has every ailment under the sun.. i know more people that are under meds for depression than not.. fortunately, i do not suffer from depression but i wonder how many do or have, especially if you were a witness..
I was in a pretty deep depression back in 2008. I did not end up being medicated for it, but that didn't make it any less real. I'd just moved to Florida for my wife's job. My dad and my JW mom were nearby as well as my batshit crazy older sister. The fact that they were the only people I knew didn't help. Put on top of that, I couldn't find work - and then I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes - which meant that I could no longer drive trucks for a living because I was taking insulin injections. This depression lasted for at least the first 6 months that I was here. Everyone was worried about me - even more than I was about myself. My brother even flew me out to Portland and we traipsed around for a week. The only thing that finally got me out of the depths was starting college. I felt like I had a legitimate purpose again with things that were new and challenging.
Please don't misinterpret - I'm not saying to those with depression to just find a new hobby or keep busy. In my case, the change is what was necessary. My point is that I really empathize with those who are chronicly depressed. I know how hard it was for me and many have it much much worse. I've really been thinking about getting therapy. Since all of that, my parents divorced after 42 years because my dad came out as a cross dresser and, eventually, I discovered that he'd been cheating on mom. Their anniversary was in March - by the end of June, their divorce was final. Then in September, Mom was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer - even though she'd never smoked or worked around cancerous airborn particulates. It had already metasticized to her bones and brain. Mom passed the first week of February, just two days before my 40th birthday. She lived with us for the last two months. It's still hard to believe she's gone. She was 62. During the time she was with me, it brought me into close regular contact with the JWs from her hall. They actually did their best to re-convert me...but that was hard and weird to go through. It brought up so many feelings that I hadn't had in years.
Anyhow- to those of you coping - just know you are far from being alone.
I didn't prank anyone, but I definitely appreciated the pranks that were found online...like all the ones Google did. Our college has been going through some rough times with senior admin people, so the mood was dampened and no one wants to do something that could be misconstrued and put then in the crosshairs. Next year, though...IT'S ON!!
What are you looking at? There's nothing to see here.........
by miseryloveselders inthis would have to suck.. http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/42374009/ns/today-today_health/.
meet the woman who cant close her eyesshe won $115k in suit against plastic surgeon, but says shes still at risk for blindness .
its been nearly six agonizing years since a failed cosmetic surgery left marilyn leisz unable to do something most of us take for granted.
That's where vanity will get you. So many don't understand the risks associated w/ cosmetic surgeries. Nowhere in the article did this talk about the procedure being a necessary one - she just wanted to look more youthful. "Vanity - it's my favorite sin!" - Satan in The Devil's Advocate
The futility of political debate on an ex-JW forum
by willyloman inthis is a forum for fomer jehovah's witnesses.
that is a cult that drills into its members the concept that the political process is evil, delusional, selfish, greedy, and satanic.
it's fascinating to hear so many political naifs express themselves with such certainty and fervor.
I'm only going to weigh in to reiterate that for me, becoming politically aware was a huge part of gaining my independence and of rebelling against the idea that politics are futile. Getting involved at the local level is a fantastic thing. That's where your involvement can really make a difference. I applaud lifeisgood for making the effort to do SOMETHING! Too many sit on the sidelines and bitch. They actually buy into the idea that the media sells: whoever can shout the other side down, regardless of facts, wins. In order to ever solve any of our huge problems, there does have to be dialogue. Someone must be willing to lower their gun before there can be some sense of civility. My discussions with lifeisgood were balanced and stayed civil. She asked for clarification when I disagreed, and we ended up realizing that we did, in fact, agree - we just had to communicate a little bit clearer to one another.
I encourage everyone to get involved in politics - especially at the local level. I firmly believe that change comes most effectively from the ground up. Fighting these inane battles that are put before us from the national scene is just stupid. Of course we all have opinions, but will our opinions on those national issues REALLY make a difference? How much more good could you do if you put your energy into volunteering to be on a mayoral advisory committee? How about being a voice at local city council or school board meetings? Seriously, if you want to see change that can directly impact the lives of you and your neighbors, find out what it's like to get in the trenches and make it happen.
Trying to give young people an appreciation for the democratic process - no matter their views - is one of the primary reasons why I became an education major. Too many unplug from the system and just let the shouters on both sides dictate what their lives will be like. I will consider my life well spent if I can just have one or two really take their civic responsibilities seriously.
Oh, and as for the tea partiers - well, I think we all realize that the grass roots movement has a wide range of people. Some with agendas beyond balancing the budget seem to have carved out groups of followers - or simply used tea party support to carry out their own agendas. It doesn't mean that the fiscal goals of the tea partiers is bad. I'd sure like to see a balanced budget as well - even if I don't identify myself as a tea partier.