I occasionally visit another "approved" JW site. A time or two the discussion has turned to children and I always get the same message, that kids are to be able to turn on and of their being a child. They are to sit still and shut up for minimum of 5 meetins a week and then you count field service. Sheesh...when are they supposed to be a kid? I too have been greatly influenced by being a parent. I take the lessons I learned from how badly F*cked up my parents were in their idea of good parenting...and try to apply them in my relationship w/ my daughter. I personally think that, aside from publicly endorsed corporal punishment of children, one of the biggest things I see that is a total lack of respect by a parent towards a child is so many JW's figuring that since they will "live forever" there's no need to plan for life insurance or other things that can and do have profound impacts on their children. I can't begin to tell you how many widows I've seen left with NOTHING to support their kids on, pay the funeral expenses, etc. The only thing many have is what pitance they get from SSI (here in the states).
The thing about JW's and headship is that the priciple gets lost in the excersise. If a parent is loving in teaching their kid to respect authority (parental or otherwise) rather than beating them into submission...there's nothing wrong with that. JW's for some reason tend to forget the love part and just hammer in on the obedience part.