I was listening to the playing out of the drama in California this week where Wal-Mart was trying to shove their will down the throats of the citizens in a suburb of LA. They essentially wanted to dictate, by voter referrendum, how they were going to come into town. They wanted to give no assurances about wages and hiring as well as healthcare benefits. They wanted exemption from the building codes that everyone else has to abide by. They wanted to be exempt from the environmental regulations that all other businesses have to comply with. They didn't want to submit the routine traffic studies and traffic plans.
Also, in my decision was finding out that Wal-Mart is one of the big corporations that uses the practice of purchasing "Peasant Life Insurance". This is a despicable practice. In it, a company takes out a life insurance policy on a worker...many times a low level worker. They get a policy for a couple hundred thousand dollars and pay for the policy, many times without the knowlege of the insured. Then, even if the insured leaves the company, they continue to pay the premiums. Then when something causes that persons death, they cash in. The families don't see a nickle of the money and many times don't even realize that there is a policy. Hey, it's all about the bottom line.
I just went and bought a new Steam Vac. I probably paid a little more, but the Wal-Mart corporation didn't get any of it.