At the age of 25, I successfully ran a 2.5 million dollar/ year store...then abruptly changed careers. I married a great woman who, though still a JW, is the best thing to ever happen to me. I have made DRASTIC improvements in money management skills small feat...and now own my own home as well as a rental home. I have passed security clearence checks for the Department of Justice (also no small feat) and have my first job that pays really well. I took the plunge and began hobby racing a couple of years ago...finally realizing that it was okay to spend some money on myself. I also have a great grandson who is almost 4. He is my constant companion when I'm in town and he forever is emulating me. There's no greater compliment than to have your grandchild make you a birthday card with their own hand drawn pictures.
I helped my brother in law recently with a benefit charity auction to support his branch of the YMCA. We raised over $40K...and to think that not long ago, I was basically forbidded to even go swimming at the YMCA. Pretty cool, huh?