Star Trek was off limits. We still watched it in secret when we could.
JoinedPosts by iclone
Wacky Witness Parent Rules
by breakfast of champions inhere's one of my favorites:.
my mother used to make me turn sesame street off when "the count" came on because count dracula was a real person who was under satan's influence and drank blood.. what completely whacked out rules did your parents make for you growing up?.
"The Family Who Missed Meeting, And Their Child Was Hit By A Bus"
by Bubblegum Apotheosis inhave you heard this skit, about the family that decided to stay home from meeting.
instead of attending the t.m.s.
and book study, they stayed at home to watch the tv.
I personally knew two related families travelling to a DC and all the children rode in one vehicle to be with their cousins. Then they all watched in horror as a semi swerved into the vehicle in front of them instantly killing the childrens parents, the cousins Aunt and Uncle and your own fleshly brother and his wife. Never any mention of how they would still be alive had they chose not to travel to the DC. Such a loss not to mention that the couple had no life insurance (what do you need that for when Armageddonis so close) and the aunt and uncle then raised the children as their own. All these stories are bogus. I remember the CO always used to ask the elders for local experiences, never did he ever confirm the veracity of these so-called experiences. It is a joke!
Another Brooklyn Property Sold
by breakfast of champions ininteresting..
If you want to see more photos and a floor plan, check out this page.
EX JW teen just signs with legendary producer!!!!!
by Lady Liberty indear friends,.
it has been a long time since i have posted.
time heals much pain, and finally, my family and i have been able to move on with our life outside of jw land.. many of you became our friends, our support system, and you know very well our exit story...we were labeled, slandered and disfellowshipped for having questions regarding the date 607. we sent out letters exposing the elders and circuit overseer to over 200 families.
That is a very heart warming story. I checked out her FB page and she is an absolutely beautiful girl. You must be so proud-congratulations! To think she came so close to squandering her talent to dedicate her life to a go-nowhere publishing company! I can't wait for the release of her new album.
Anyone have the outline for the 2012 'Special Talk'
by Lore inthe sunday after every memorial they intruduce a new talk, which is the 'special talk'.. this year it's called: "is it later than you think".
anyone able to provide me the outline?.
Allow God’s Word and our Christian publications to help you gain spiritual strength (Ps 119:105)
What a shameless plug to promote their literature. Show me in Psalms where it makes mention that God's word alone is simply not enough, you need all these other publications. What a fricken joke! These hypocrites openly denounce the Mormon religion for putting emphasis on "The Book of Mormon". How is the WT ANY DIFFERENT?
I do love the poster and distribution ideas. I would gladly do the parking lot campaign if it were not for all the security cameras that have been installed! Maybe I will get one of my Hollywood friends to make me a special mask depicting one of the GB members! haha
Me Alex Lifeson and Geddy Lee
by Tater-T intrying to learn to post pictures on here.
and i've done all this and it doesn't work.
One of THE best, three man rock bands ever! I have a buddy that was at a guitar store picking up his guitar from service (a Rickenbacker BASS no less) and Geddy Lee just happened to be there. ( they were on tour) He was super nice, did a BASS solo for everyone in the store and then autographed my buddies Rickenbacker. He will never part with that guitar.
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 02-03-2012 WT Study (WARNING)
by blondie in1, 2. in what ways can you benefit from bible examples?.
find in him a good example of one who.
that the only warning we find in solomons.
Thanks Blondie, when I read this WT article I was thinking; “I can’t wait to see what Blondie has to say not to mention the reader comments”. You did not disappoint!
I too was dumbfounded at the lack of logic and cohesion in this article. On the list of “oh sh_t, did that article already go to press” moments for the writing committee. This is one shining example of sloppy and lazy writing. I mean the article contradicted itself over and over again. On more than one occasion it made reference to the “consequences” of Solomon’s actions-yet never once produced any evidence-because there is none! Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to come up with an article to fill a 75 minute gap! (The WT conductor was bewildered and fumbling over this article, he wrapped it up in record time-thank God) I found it humorous how they were able to intertwine their anti-education campaign but just about fell off my chair when they tried to implement the “marry only in the lord” principle. Seriously, if you are a sister or brother contemplating a romance outside the congregation, this would the perfect article to demonstrate how Jehovah will bless you for this course of action!
What similar features do the "Titanic", and the "Watchtower Bible and Tract Society" have?
by koolaid-man in
undecided questionshow me anotherwhat similar features do the "titanic", and the "watchtower bible and tract society" have?the h.m.s.
titanic, was not paying attention to the ice lanes, and..... .
I feel like Leo DeCaprio being shackled in the brig when the ship started to sink. He wanted to get out but was trapped! This resembles the situation many, including myself feeling like we are being held against our will!
just seen the matrix for the first time
by highdose inare we sure that its not really about jw's?
the writers aren't former cult members?.
i find the sci fi bits a little hard to understand, would appreciate some enlightening before i move on to numbers 2 and 3 please?.
Here are the licence plate codes referred to by TD
The Twins’ truck on the freeway: DE2852. Deutronomy 28:52 — They shall besiege you in all your towns, until your high and fortified walls, in which you trusted, come down throughout all your land. And they shall besiege you in all your towns throughout all your land, which the LORD your God has given you.
Trinity and Morephus’ Cadillac on the freeway: DA203. Daniel 2:03 — I have had a dream that troubles me and I want to know what it means.
Agent Smith’s Audi at the beginning: IS5416. Isaiah 54:16 — Behold, I have created the smith that bloweth the coals in the fire, and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work; and I have created the waster to destroy.
Holy Cow! A Mr. Falcon post! (persecution obsession)
by Mr. Falcon inyup.
let's begin.. i went to the kingdom hall yesterday for the first time in awhile.
the public talk was something like "trust in jehovah" and the speaker (whom i know personally and is a tad "off") was rambling on about the persecution that we are going to face imminently.
Mr. Falcon…
Let the ‘fear mongering” continue. Check out this quote from the April 15 2012 WT on page 22. Par 1-3
"THE execution of God’s judgment upon Satan’s
world will break out with striking suddenness.
(1 Thess. 5:2, 3) As “the great day of
Jehovah” unfolds, earthly society will descend into
chaos. (Zeph. 1:14-17) Hardships and deprivations
will be the order of the day. It will be a time of distress
“such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning
until now.”—Read Matthew 24:21, 22.
2 As the “great tribulation” moves toward its climax,
God’s people will be the target of an all-out attack
by “Gog of the land of Magog.” During this attack,
“a numerous military force” will come against
God’s people “like clouds to cover the land.” (Ezek.
38:2, 14-16) No human agency will come to the defense
of Jehovah’s people. Their survival will depend
on God alone. How will they react when staring
extermination in the face?
3 If you are a servant of Jehovah, do you have
faith that Jehovah can and will preserve his people
alive through the great tribulation? The apostle Peter
wrote: “Jehovah knows how to deliver people of
godly devotion out of trial, but to reserve unrighteous
people for the day of judgment to be cut off.”
(2 Pet. 2:9) Meditating on Jehovah’s past acts of deliverance
can fortify us for what lies ahead. Let us
consider three examples that will instill in us confidence
in Jehovah’s ability to deliver his people."
I too used to be held captive in fear with this sort of rhetoric. One person from the local cong had read this and was telling a group of jdubs how these paragraphs just sent shivers up his spine, I had to bite my tongue and after a few others started to chime in, I had to leave the room.