Fundamentalist crackpots have always been eager to connect 'drugs and demons'.
JoinedPosts by DisgruntledFool
Sorcery = Pharmakeia
by KerryKing inrev18:23 ' deceived the nations with your sorceries'.. the interlinear for sorceries reads pharmakeia.. bible hub has some interesting definitions, i'll try to share screenshots below.
the gist of it is that sorcery involves drugs/medicines/poisons, with or without spells, sorcery is not the same as witchcraft or divination, or white/black magic.
i have long wondered about the connection between the medical/pharmaceutical industry's symbol of the serpent wrapped around a pole/stake, and the use of the word pharmaceuticals/pharmacy.. considering the common use of fluoride in public drinking water, nsaids with side effects such as depression, brain fog, dizziness, and opioids, mrna gene therapy, vaccines and so on, i wonder am i going mad, are these all coincidences??
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Reddit thread about Bethel Reducing Headcount
by LongHairGal inapparently, the downsizing is still happening and from what i read those let go are over 50!.
sad because these people expected to be lifers.
now they have to make their way in the world at an advanced age with no education or desirable skill!..
Excerpt from my Bethel Service Invitation Letter:
"...I hope by Jehovah's undeserved kindness you will remain much longer and become a permanent member of the Bethel family." - N. H . Knorr May 20, 1974
Wait!?...What!? Another unilateral contract from Jehovah and his organization? Let the buyer beware.
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The org's "new lights" - corrupting Proverbs 4:18
by BoogerMan inproverbs 4:18 says, "but the path of the righteous....grows brighter and brighter until full daylight.".
the bible "light" doesn't get brighter - it never changes - it's a person's direction & course of life which gets brighter.. w11 9/15 p. 14 par.
15 - "when spiritual light on some matter gets brighter, do you try to understand the underlying scriptural reasons for the adjustment?
"Revelation 16:16 calls it the "war of the great day of God the Almighty," Armageddon. This war will come in the twentieth century. It will come right on schedule...This generation will see its fulfillment." - AWAKE Feb, 22, 1961 pg 8. That prediction can't be any clearer. IT WAS A LIE! The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society fooling the gullible since July 1879. (Rattigan included)
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Would you be able to survive a three day Assembly?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe last assembly i attended was over 10 years ago.
the monotone speakers, boring talks, uncomfortable seats, long prayers and nodding off after the lunch break did me in.
i survived the morning sessions, but the afternoon sessions were brutal.
Balaamsass2...was that the 1969 PEACE ON EARTH 8 day assembly held at Dodger Stadium? I was there as a 14 year old boy with my family and single, dyed in the wool, God intoxicated, religious fanatic mother. We went to Disneyland, too! The ONLY thing I remember about the assembly itself was day 5 and the drama about immorality and young boys not learning to jerk off alone or with friends. Through the whole thing my mother kept sneaking looks at me to see my reaction to the drama. Many of us sure had a fucked up childhood growing up in this mess.
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Who Was The Biggest Jackass Circuit Overseer You Ever Met?
by Sea Breeze inthere was on older white-haired circuit overseer in houston around 1989 or 1990. last name started with a w i think.... not sure though.
even the most brain-dead robotic elders told me he was offensive.
Alan Hood...and his son ran a close second although he couldn't hold a candle to the arrogance of his daddy.
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GaryBreaux/GayBro; Regarding Homosexual Predators at Bethel
by FragrantAddendum in(minutes 16-36).
This video is great! I stand by my contention that the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses is made up of : FAKERS, FOOLS, FRAUDS AND FUCK-UPS. It has always been this way and hence shall always be this way.
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102 year old mantra by JW's
by BoogerMan inwatchtower november 1, 1922: cedar point, ohio - "monday was “ service day,” and on tuesday morning several hundred automobiles, each car loaded with workers and books, canvassed the northern part of ohio.
a report of this appears herein.
on tuesday evening following this canvass a testimony meeting was held, and every one present agreed that it was the most wonderful, heart-inspiring testimony meeting he had ever attended.".
40 Years Ago Today: May 15th 1984 "1914 Generation" issue was released. False prophecy, thy name is WatchTower.
by WingCommander init's incredible how this cover, and also this "series" of watchtower's is burned into my mind.
i was almost 5 years old when these were released.
“1914 and you” — may 1, 1984 watchtower.
"FYI, it is not a false prophesy because it was not a prophecy." - Rattigan350
Find a copy of WATCH TOWER PUBLICATIONS INDEX 1930-1960. Turn to page 202. There you will find the heading 1914. Go to subheading Kingdom's establishment and under that heading you will find the subsection : prophecies pointing to event. You may read to your hearts content the information cited by going to the website JW-Wayback(dot)org. Indeed the Governing Body DOES consider the year 1914 as being based on Bible prophecy and as I showed you in my previous post they feel that they are the "faithful and discreet slave" to whom Jehovah reveals prophecy as it is unfolding. Twist yourself into a mental pretzel and do linguistic gymnastics all you want to continue to defend the lies of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. Just don't expect others to accept your viewpoint in the face of what the facts are.
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40 Years Ago Today: May 15th 1984 "1914 Generation" issue was released. False prophecy, thy name is WatchTower.
by WingCommander init's incredible how this cover, and also this "series" of watchtower's is burned into my mind.
i was almost 5 years old when these were released.
“1914 and you” — may 1, 1984 watchtower.
For the edification of Rattigan350:
"Jehovah as the great Interpreter makes known the meaning of his revelations in his due time, and speculation by men cannot bring to light the true meaning of prophecy before time. Jehovah has provided a channel, the "faithful and discreet slave" class, who are given spiritual "food at the proper time", and this spiritual food includes among other things the understanding of the prophecies in the course of their fulfillment. -The Watchtower April 15, 1952 pg 253 paragraph 19
"Whom has God actually used as his prophet? By the historical facts of the case Christendom is beaten back in defeat. Jehovah's witnesses are deeply grateful today that the plain facts show that God has been pleased to use them. ... It has been because Jehovah thrust out his hand of power and touched their lips and put his words in their mouth. - The Watchtower January 15, 1959 pgs 40-40 paragraph 13 & 14
"Armageddon. This war will come in the 20th century. It will come right on schedule..." - AWAKE February 22, 1961 pg 8 paragraph 2
No amount of mental gymnastics or abuse of language can hide the actual strident, forthright and dogmatic claims the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses has made over the years. The LIES are in print for all to read if they care to investigate. The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses is made up of FAKERS, FOOLS, FRAUDS and FUCK-UPS. Thus has it always been and thus shall it always be.
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Glad to see someone in the WT Art Dept has a sense of humour! "Church Lady" spotted singing!
by WingCommander inyou can't make this shit up!
someone over on reddit posted this illustration from some wt publication or website or whatever.
"The WTS is now 'suggesting' that members practice songs before the convention." - blondie
Eat To The Beat, perhaps?
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