JoinedTopics Started by DisgruntledFool
New GB member Judy Jedele critizing Job's "humility" while wearing $20,000 Rolex, gold cuff links, coloured suit. Incredible!
by WingCommander ini swear, you can't make this shit up!
for years and years growing up in this cult, i had to constantly hear from my parents, from the stage, in the literature, about "keeping your eye simple", not being "materialistic", not "having a showy display of one's wealth.
" of course, this never seemed to apply to the wealthy business owning elduhzzzz who ran and lorded it out over the congregations, but i digress.
Oral and Anal Sex flip flop? March 2025 Announcements and Reminders
by ukpimo injust in.
a jaw dropping announcements and reminders for elders this month.
how can you serve as an elder and believe this organization is spirit directed after reading this letter?.
Her Handbag Told Her to Stop Preaching
by raymond frantz inhttps://youtu.be/qzpj3kzgidi?si=x1xazpqmed1zq5h2.
ah, yes, another shining example of the watchtower’s *unmatched* commitment to rational thought.
forget logic, science, or even basic common sense—just blame that suspiciously cursed handbag for all your troubles!
serena williams
by FreeFallin innot really a scandal, but serena williams doing the crip walk on national tv wtf .
Footage from Recently Converted Kingdom Hall to a Mosque
by raymond frantz inhttps://youtu.be/kjqwfeuhpji?si=6ahbituygdyiq3za.
when jehovah’s witnesses dedicate their kingdom halls, they often refer to the example of solomon dedicating the temple in jerusalem.
it’s a solemn moment.
"Yahweh" pronunciation is more correct (w60 8/1 pp. 453-455)
by psyco in.
https://wol.jw.borg/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1960561 (substitute .borg with .org)furthermore, today in every jw publication the tetragrammaton is rendered as yhwh which is more preserved by yahweh than by jehovah..
What Theme Song Should Be Played When You Walk Into a Room?
by Sea Breeze inthis could fun.
what song should be played when you walk into a room that best describes you?
by raymond frantz inhttps://youtu.be/hwzly3fnpdo?si=0p8zd0_9a-lwtb_9.
the study article 2 from the january 2025 watchtower study edition titled “husbands, honor your wife” represents a marked shift from the earlier, stricter watchtower stance on marital intimacy among jehovah’s witnesses.
this article’s language feels more relaxed, with paragraph 17 and its footnote stating, “the bible does not provide details as to what sexual practices between a husband and a wife should be considered clean or unclean.
Elder's manual or similar from early to mid 1960s re sexual abuse issue
by Lee Marsh ini am looking for any information given to elders during the early to mid 1960s on how to deal with child sexual abuse within the congregation.
it could be in letters or in some version of an elder's handbook or a letter to the elders that specifies how elder were to deal with the issue of sexual abuse within the congregation; not going to elders, silence about the issue, how to handle it with the minor and the accused.. if there was any direction to the elders that precedes this time period that would work too..
1/25 WT: Oral and Anal sex are a go - if she's ok with it
by neat blue dog inhe will not pressure her to engage in sexual acts that make her feel uncomfortable, that are demeaning, or that bother her conscience..... the bible does not provide details as to what sexual practices between a husband and a wife should be considered clean or unclean.
a christian couple must make decisions that reflect their resolve to honor jehovah, to please each other, and to maintain a clean conscience.
generally speaking, a couple would not discuss with others this intimate aspect of their marriage..