Well of course god cannot lie. If you catch him what appears to be a misstatement, he can just pull 'the new light' card and he doesn't even have to apologize either because 'apparently' that's how god operates. (Apologies to Winder or Fleegle whichever one came up with this absurd excuse about new light)
JoinedPosts by DisgruntledFool
God cannot lie
by psyco inthe bible does not say that god does not want to lie, but that he cannot lie or it is impossible for god to lie.
so, if god cannot lie, for what purpose and why did he create creatures (satan, demons, humans) who can lie?.
To be fair, it is not a full beard. Essentially it is just 'beard fractions'.
(If it is photo shopped, at least we could have a good laugh and vent our spleens.)
Notice anything in particular? The resemblance is uncanny.
Even with recent changes it’s a struggle to get people to attend
by hoser inthe kingdom hall is still empty.
even with amalgamation of 2 congregations.
the elders are handling the microphones and there was only one comment from zoom at the watchtower.
Thanks for the good report. - Vanderhoven7
"As cold water upon a tired soul, so is a good report from a distant land." - Proverbs 25:25 NWT Revised 1984
This reminds me of when Nathan Knorr wanted to get married. All of the sudden the rules changed on Bethelites getting married. Apparently, old Jeff wanted a beard and since he is one of the ones in charge...magically beards are now ok! Isn't Jehovah wonderful as he has now dignified Jeff's choice of grooming. Jehovah's Witnesses : A religion run by FAKERS, FOOLS, FRAUDS and FUCK-UPS!
Does becoming (or remaining) one of Jehovah's Witnesses result in Poverty? Pew Research results differ from Watchtower claims.
by Balaamsass2 in"raised in the truth" during the 50s, 60s,and 70s i repeatedly read and heard from the platform how reading the magazines weekly "was the equivalent of a college education" and how many had turned their family economic situation around by being "trustworthy" and giving up expensive bad habits most "worldly people" had.
sounded good.. what is the reality?
how does avoiding higher education, and then spending up to 20 hours a week getting ready for, commuting, and then participating in meetings and field service affect family finances?.
I have 5 siblings, all of us raised as Witnesses. Only one is marginally active. I am the youngest at 68. My oldest sister lives on JUST Social Security and Medicaid (lives with me), the next oldest is married, she and her husband own their own home, have some IRA'S and both collect Social Security and work part time to keep busy. Next is my brother who lives in government subsidized housing, gets minimal Social Security, has Medicaid and receives food stamps. My third oldest sister gets minimal Social Security, rental assistance, foods stamps and Medicaid. And last but not least is my 4th sister. She receives minimal Social Security and Medicaid (also lives with me). And me? I got some excellent advice from a gentleman that I took on tour when I was a Bethelite at Watchtower Farms back in the mid '70's. To make a long story short, he advised me NOT to put too much stock in Watchtower's gloom and doom scenario. He was a Bethelite in the 1940's and said that they were preaching about Armageddon daily at Bethel back then. 'If you don't look out for yourself, they certainly aren't going to', he told me. I semi-retired from my own business at 43 and now have assets in the top 10% of Americans as well as a very healthy Social Security payment. I know where my next meal is coming from! At any rate, one of my friends became a Circuit Overseer (the road I was slated to take) and he is now 'retired' without ANYTHING to fall back on. Jehovah's Witnesses leadership single handedly created an entire generation of very poor people because of their useless financial advice!
Why are the 2 newly appointed Governing Body Members from Bethel, when there are anointed ones all over the world? they could have used.
by RULES & REGULATIONS inlibrary.
books & brochures.
enjoy life forever!—an interactive bible course.
Miracle Boots : The 'souls' never wear out, limited to a run of 144,000 pairs and they look great with a toga!
Why are the 2 newly appointed Governing Body Members from Bethel, when there are anointed ones all over the world? they could have used.
by RULES & REGULATIONS inlibrary.
books & brochures.
enjoy life forever!—an interactive bible course.
"It's not who you know...it's who you 'nose..."
Why are the 2 newly appointed Governing Body Members from Bethel, when there are anointed ones all over the world? they could have used.
by RULES & REGULATIONS inlibrary.
books & brochures.
enjoy life forever!—an interactive bible course.
The current Governing Body is a joke. It is now comprised of post 1935 'anointed remnant', many of whom are younger than me (I'm 68). In the early 1970's Nathan Knorr railed against the idea of 'younger anointed ones', especially at Bethel. Anyone who attended the dedication of the assembly hall in Natick Massachusetts can recall Knorr carrying on that THERE ARE NO NEW REMNANT! And yet here we are over 50 years later and his beloved religion is run by all so-called NEW REMNANT most of whom are Bethelites. So it seems that what we have here with the Governing Body is almost a case of apostolic succession where new members of the Governing Body are chosen from among their own kind. As an interesting side note, Fred Franz did not believe that the Faithful Slave Class was a small group of men separated from other anointed Christians. On page 338 of GOD'S KINGDOM OF A THOUSAND YEARS HAS APPROACHED it says: " This limiting the "slave" to the twelve apostles, however, might allow for the doctrine of an apostolic succession or an episcopal succession, a succession of bishops (overseers) by the religious process of ordination. 16 However, when we view the 'faithful and discreet slave" as being the whole body of disciples (including spiritual overseers) , it eliminates such a thing as "episcopal succession" that history shows has worked such harm and oppression in Christendom."
55 Year Cycle shows up in March 2024 Watchtower
by was a new boy indid they hope that everybody who read the1969 awake as a kid is too senile to remember?.
Please NEVER stop talking about the 1969 Awake article. It messed up many young peoples lives, some of whom are posting here now. Exposing Jehovah's Witnesses past lies could possibly save some current young people from falling for their propaganda and making poor life choices. A lie is a lie no matter when it was written or whom it was written by...dead or alive.