I have 5 siblings, all of us raised as Witnesses. Only one is marginally active. I am the youngest at 68. My oldest sister lives on JUST Social Security and Medicaid (lives with me), the next oldest is married, she and her husband own their own home, have some IRA'S and both collect Social Security and work part time to keep busy. Next is my brother who lives in government subsidized housing, gets minimal Social Security, has Medicaid and receives food stamps. My third oldest sister gets minimal Social Security, rental assistance, foods stamps and Medicaid. And last but not least is my 4th sister. She receives minimal Social Security and Medicaid (also lives with me). And me? I got some excellent advice from a gentleman that I took on tour when I was a Bethelite at Watchtower Farms back in the mid '70's. To make a long story short, he advised me NOT to put too much stock in Watchtower's gloom and doom scenario. He was a Bethelite in the 1940's and said that they were preaching about Armageddon daily at Bethel back then. 'If you don't look out for yourself, they certainly aren't going to', he told me. I semi-retired from my own business at 43 and now have assets in the top 10% of Americans as well as a very healthy Social Security payment. I know where my next meal is coming from! At any rate, one of my friends became a Circuit Overseer (the road I was slated to take) and he is now 'retired' without ANYTHING to fall back on. Jehovah's Witnesses leadership single handedly created an entire generation of very poor people because of their useless financial advice!