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JoinedPosts by DisgruntledFool
Are You Ready for the Most Important Day of the Year?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inluke 22:14 so when the hour came, he reclined at the table along with the apostles.
and he said to them: “i have greatly desired to eat this passover with you before i suffer; 16 for i tell you, i will not eat it again until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of god.” 17 and accepting a cup, he gave thanks and said: “take this and pass it from one to the other among yourselves, 18 for i tell you, from now on, i will not drink again from the product of the vine until the kingdom of god comes.”.
19 also, he took a loaf, gave thanks, broke it, and gave it to them, saying: “this means my body, which is to be given in your behalf.
Is there “new light” on 1914?
by wallsofjericho ini’m hearing paraphrasing like “we just don’t know” .
is this regarding 1914?
or micheal the arch angel?.
If they are going to dump the 1914 teaching they can say it is a 'teaching of demons' left over from Babylon the Great. After all, Nelson Barbour was the one who first proclaimed this teaching in print about a year before the Watchtower magazine began to be published. The Governing Body can do the same thing with this teaching that Judge Rutherford did with the pyramid teachings... discredit it in a strident manner and 'poof', all gone!
How will J.W's spin this latest Space Discovery ?
by Phizzy ini wonder how j.w's, and other believers in a creator god, will spin this latest discovery to fit their model ?.
jehovahs new residence - stan livedeath
It's all part of the Divine Plan of the Ages:
Rutherford wintered at Beth Sarim.
Jehovah winters at Beth Big Ring.
Jehovah and Pleiades
by James Brown indoes anyone remember seeing old watchtowers in their kingdom hall library before they destroyed them all, of the watchtower annoucing jehovah from pleiades kingdom.
i am 72 years old and i remeber seeing these old magazines somewhere..
Old Light: Jehovah is from Pleiades.
New Light: The Governing Body is from Uranus.
Geoffrey Jackson goatiegate Part 2
by Tahoe infrom ske graduation this past weekend.
(sent from a pimi).
from ske on zoom: .
Expanding on the thoughts in StephaneLalibertes post: ..."Contrary to the opinion of many worldlings, apology is not a sign of weakness. It is a power that can shatter barriers to unity. It is a sign of the practicing of righteousness. The heart filled with love and humility benefits from the power of apology." - The Watchtower June 15, 1961 pp. 355-356 (Italics mine) The Governing Body stresses UNITY, UNITY, UNITY and yet they miss the point of their own counsel. Had they been humble over the years in admitting their mistakes that have been made, perhaps they could have retained a larger number of members who would be glad to support an HONEST and TRUTHFUL religion and would not now have to dream up ways to keep members from defecting.
Geoffrey Jackson goatiegate Part 2
by Tahoe infrom ske graduation this past weekend.
(sent from a pimi).
from ske on zoom: .
The Great Tribulation is nigh! The Governing Body is taking the lead in 'separating the sheep from the goatees'.
Well Jehovah's Witnesses are doing one thing right in their preaching work. They continue to find new, younger members of the 'Anointed Remnant Class' to move into the ranks of Governing Body Toadies and bring the scam forward. 50 years ago, in the 1973 Service Report, there were 10,523 Memorial partakers most of whom are now dead and buried. And yet miraculously in the year 2023 there are 22,312 Partakers at the Memorial. Praise Jehovah for 'speeding up the work in his own time'!
Did God know adam and eve would sin?
by gavindlt into all those on this forum, i would love to know what your take on this vital question is..
Did God know adam and eve would sin? That's a good question.
"I am the Divine One and there is no other God, nor anyone like me; the One telling from the beginning the finale, and from long ago the things that have not been done;" - Isaiah 46:9-10 NWT Revised 1984 (Italics mine)
God cannot lie
by psyco inthe bible does not say that god does not want to lie, but that he cannot lie or it is impossible for god to lie.
so, if god cannot lie, for what purpose and why did he create creatures (satan, demons, humans) who can lie?.
Well of course god cannot lie. If you catch him what appears to be a misstatement, he can just pull 'the new light' card and he doesn't even have to apologize either because 'apparently' that's how god operates. (Apologies to Winder or Fleegle whichever one came up with this absurd excuse about new light)
To be fair, it is not a full beard. Essentially it is just 'beard fractions'.
(If it is photo shopped, at least we could have a good laugh and vent our spleens.)