This board has been so fantastic for me - and I'm not even (nor was I ever) a Witness! My other half's family are all witnesses. When we first got together, 12 years ago, I thought it was all pretty full on - however, I am a firm believer in 'each to their own' and was determined to be open-minded and respectful. Fast forward 12 years, I am so worn down by how I have been treated over those 12 years, when I have only ever been respectful to them and their beliefs, I am finally allowing myself to form an honest opinion on the whole religion. As a result of these people being in this particular religion, I have basically been treated like a 2nd class citizen and my self-esteem has been damaged - not to mention the huge impact that it's had on my relationship with my bf.
I got to a stage where for some reason, I wanted to know the in's and out's of these beliefs, find out what makes them 'tick' - and by tick, I mean treat me how they do. I've found that by finding so many answers here, I'm more comfortable in how I feel around them. I still believe ' each to their own' however I'm able to not let all the little negative comments towards me affect me so badly, therefore leaving my self-esteem in tact. Nowadays, I'm able to hear a comment or remark that would have once upon a time really upset me, and take it with a grain of salt, rolling my eyes on the inside - because really, these people are kinda crazy... I mean - the whole demon thing!!?? I've actually heard someone describe a 'demon attack' before... I sat there quietly but felt like screaming "love - what you're describing is an anxiety attack, not a demon attack!!!"
As someone on the 'outside' this board has helped me so much in gaining an understanding of what my bf was involved in growing up, and helping him (hopefully) to get over some of the little hang ups that are still ingrained - despite being 'out' for 11 years. It's helped me also to form a strong opinion in regards to what sort of influence the grandparents will have once we have children.
This board has been a fantastic source of information - and advice (I'm currently halfway through Steve Hassans "Combatting Cult Mind Control") - thank you for the suggestion