JoinedPosts by OutsiderLookingIn
by Lostwun inis it just me or does it grind your gears when you see #bestlifeever hashtag after every damn jw post on fb and instagram?.
i rarely get on instagram anymore because i dont want to deal with the jw propaganda but i swear sometimes i just want to comment on one of those pics 'jw life is the worst life ever wake up already'.
does anyone else know what i'm talking about?
I don't think I've ever seen this hashtag. Then again, I'm a mere worldly. But I can say for sure that I would not be impressed or even intrigued. I'd just be annoyed. Those are the people I take off of my FB newsfeed. There's a difference between posting pictures of major life events or exciting trips and humble-bragging (or actual bragging) about nothing. I mean, if I saw a picture of someone standing next to a cart outside the mall with this hashtag, it comes across as insecure and seeking validation for their life choices. It won't get a like or a second look from me. -
How My Husband Helped Me See TTATT
by corruptgirl ini wanted to write my experience on how my husband helped me see the ttatt (the truth about the truth).
first, let me mention that he wrote his own experience a couple months ago under the name sanchy.
for his story please click hereā¦.. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5148261828526080/walking-thin-line-resigning-elder
Welcome, corruptgirl! I'm so glad to hear this! I remember reading Sanchy's story a few months ago and I'm glad it had a happy ending--and so quickly! Your tips are very helpful. I've never been a JW, but I'm challenging a JW I know using only the Bible. I don't know always if it's having an effect but I can definitely tell that his attachment is mostly emotional.
If I recall correctly, Sanchy was being consider for an elder position. I hope you can move away from the WT smoothly and get on with your life raising your children outside the high-control environment.
After Being Out for 17 Years He is Back In again!!!
by new boy ini called a guy i haven talked with for over two years yesterday.
i met him at bethel back in the 1970's.
david b was known as the g job king back then.
This is the saddest type of story to me. There was another woman away for 20+ years and went back. Crazy town! They never got rid of the idea that all worldly people are evil so it's confirmed when bad things happen or when they met a few bad eggs. I've been worldly my whole life and can honestly say that's just a part of life. Only a newborn baby has never been through anything and I'm not even sure about that; apparently, being born is something of a trauma.
Comfort over integrity is a choice like any other, I suppose. Sad :(
Lost on how to respond...
by babygirl30 inso an old friend of mine from the congregation hit me up today.
the story goes like this when we were jw's:.
- this guy used to be madly in love with me but i didn't see him as anything more than a friend.
How about:
Thanks for your concern. I'm good. Great, in fact. I don't know whether you can say the same as an elder now, knowing: (proceed to list all the reasons you left).
Take care,
Simple but effective (i.e., most likely, you won't hear from him again). I see no need to refrain from preaching. He did the same, with an emotional hook.
How to Tell When Someone Is Evangelizing to You Versus Trying to Be a Genuine Friend
by jacobm ini've had this question on my mind for the last two years.
first off, i'm still a follower of jesus.
second, i don't go to church but rather a topical skype bible study with some fellow ex-jws.
It's not quite paranoia as much as caution. I've never been a dub. I don't particularly go for some mega churches. You can't possibly know 10,000 members. The house churches of Acts were much more of a community.
That said, I don't think everyone who invites you to church is being disingenuous about wanting to be your friend. I invite friends or family to my church who show an interest, have mentioned they're looking for a church, or if we're having a special event. It's an open invitation and they're welcome anytime. I don't do this to gain membership for my church but because I attend there (I've picked it from among weeds and can give some sort of personal recommendation). It's not perfect because we're all imperfect but it's doctrinally sound and we're all striving to be more like Christ. I simply don't know that about other churches.
If I extend an invitation and they don't come, I don't stop talking to them. That's a HUGE difference from JWs. My churchgoing friends are the same. I'll give an example.
-When I moved, I was looking for a new church. I visited many I heard about and one on the invitation of a friend. I went once and it wasn't my scene for whatever reason. We're still friends. I'm going to her son's birthday next month.
-I made friends with someone who goes to another church. She invited me but I haven't gone because I feel I'm at my church for a purpose. There are no hard feelings. I'm seeing her tonight in fact. It's not about competition in my mind. I'm glad worship is going on in other parts of the city.
Visit churches as you feel comfortable and take your time. They're not all the same. And there's nothing wrong with just continuing your Bible study in a small group. Church should grow you as a Christian. You don't need a building for that.
by Joe Grundy in(i never was a dub).. this is something which has intrigued me for a while.
i don't know whether it's dub-speak, or us-speak.. it's the use of the word 'ones' as in 'interested ones', 'worldly ones', 'disfellowshipped ones' and so on and so on.. in the 'normal world' we would probably use the word 'people'.. thoughts?.
Joe, thanks for this OP. It's something I wondered about too, a never dub in the US. All of that to say, it stands out quite a bit to us worldly "ones". Such an affected way of speaking is not by accident. Interesting to hear how subtle, yet powerful, it is in stripping individual identity (you're just a number) and dehumanizing anyone outside the group.
My other least favorite affected/loaded terms: Christendom; true Christian; and system of things. I guess they can't just say the end of the world since the earth won't pass away
Yeah, this is pretty bad. Words fail at something so blatant and shameless So, I'll talk about the art instead...are those cows (and stacks of paper??) in the picture next to the Watchtower sign? Definitely no cows in Brooklyn so looks like they're subliminally preparing people for the move to the boonies.
The official relationship between Jehovahs Witnessses and the Watchtower? I'm confused.
by Joliette incan anybody answer this for me?.
whenever i tell people i'm ex jehovahs witnesses, they always assume that i'm against the jehovahs witnesses, but i am more so against the watchtower then anything.people assume that i'm anti-jehovahs witness, but now that i've done more research i've realized that its the watchtower thats more harmful then the jehovahs witnesses, even though theres a lot of jehovahs witnesses i dont like, i'm not against jehovahs witnesses as a group.. can anyone explain this to me?.
Finklestein: JWS are the designated and indoctrinated sales representatives for the WTS.
Not to mention unpaid. They just don't know it.I told some JWs that they work for the Watchtower and they adamantly denied it. If that's true, why is the primary identifying mark of a JW a Watchtower publication? Just saying
You should not even exist!
by stuckinarut2 ina thought struck me...... the very generation (no pun intended) of people who the society is focussing so much attention on, that is the children, should not even be here!
(think caleb and sofia etc).
their parents, who are probably aged between 20 - 40 are the very generation too that should not be here if the societies strict guidance from the 70's and 80's was followed by their parents...ie to not have kids "because the end is soooooo close!".
I've thought about mentioning this to someone born in 1976 (and thus would have been conceived and in utero in 1975). But the significance would be lost on him as he's probably never heard about the 1975 mania. So much darkness in the midst of all this new light
Just in time for Memorial season...
by OutsiderLookingIn inthis is short and quick but maybe it's a seed to plant in the 10 days until the memorial.
i have talked to jws who tell me their reason for not eating the bread and drinking the cup is because that was only a new covenant with his disciples (and in their wonky extension, the 144,000).
but i just thought of a few things.
This is short and quick but maybe it's a seed to plant in the 10 days until the Memorial. I have talked to JWs who tell me their reason for not eating the bread and drinking the cup is because that was only a New Covenant with His disciples (and in their wonky extension, the 144,000). But I just thought of a few things.
First off, that's not even true because in John 6:53-54, Jesus was talking to more than His disciples. But let's assume that's true: why are they doing other things Jesus only told His disciples about? Like the preaching work. The flimsy proof texts given for the need to preach for salvation were only spoken to the disciples: Matthew 24:14 (see verse 3, He told the disciples these things "privately"); Matthew 28:19-20. In two accounts (starting Matthew 10:1 and Mark 6:7), Jesus tells them to pair off and preach; only Luke 10 talks about the 70 (or 72) disciples but just say "well, the 12 is equal to the 144,000, why aren't they equal to the 70? The accounts are otherwise the same." The fact remains, in the most-cited reasons for the "preaching work" (in Matthew), Jesus was talking directly to His nearest and dearest disciples. If the Lord's Supper is only for His disciples who will rule with Christ in heaven, why should anyone but that anointed group preach? Or: why are they disciples for the preaching work, but not for the very act that symbolizes that they're a part of the New Covenant?