JoinedTopics Started by Sledracer
I have tried really hard to be worldly, for ten years, tried to get worldly friends, and get back with family.
by Sledracer ini am so bad at being worldly, it's not like i gave it a good try, we are just not good at it my husband and i, i see him light up as he has started to read the bible again.
i'm good at being a witness, i am accepted, and hold the same beliefs, i have tried to find somewhere else, if there is a place, why hav'n't jehovah and the angels directed me to it?
thank you for all the loving posts, some of them have been just what i needed.
Cognitive Dissonance is the feeling of uncomfortable tension which comes from holding two conflicting thoughts in the mind at the same time.
by Sledracer incognitive dissonance is the feeling of uncomfortable tension which comes from holding two conflicting thoughts in the mind at the same time.
this is what is wrong with me, i have a love hate relationship with the jw's.
I quit the Goodwill :(
by Joliette ini couldnt take seeing people from the kingdom hall.
you guys wouldnt believe how many jehovahs witnesses shop in the goodwill.
i couldnt take it.
out for a long time
by Sledracer inmy husband and i have been out for a long time, maybe fifteen years, i must say we are in a bit of a nowhere land spiritually, we find it impossible to attend any other church.
we really resent so much of how they messed up our and our children's lives.
we can't get back all those 25 years we were in.