It was those guys who I had to explain why their check was declined!
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>
best buy computer hostage crisis continues.
macon, ga--the talibestbuy continues to hold at least one personal computer hostage as negotiations again failed today.
talibestbuy officials originally said that the hostage would be released yesterday however as of today, the computer is still being held hostage in an undisclosed location.
It was those guys who I had to explain why their check was declined!
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>
to any bible believer- how would you answer this question- .
below is how jw answer it:.
is it really any wonder that evil and suffering exist?.
A good book to read by James Dobson is, "When God does not make sense." You can order a copy by going to :
When ever i feel they way you do I read Pslams 73. Plsam 73 does not blame the victim. It brings comfort to Godly people who are distressed by the fact evil doers just seem to get away with it without suffering the consequenses fo thier action while living on earthlylife.
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>
in the past, i have wondered who fulfills matt 24:14. i know that jw's are really the only ones who do preach from door to door.
that scripture will is burned in my head forever from my parents making me remembering it when i would door knock.
i haven't been to a hall for almost 20 years, except for the year my mother was dying and asked if i would come to the memorial.
Ok, really it is not Jehova's Witness that fulfill that Scripture but the Christian church.
In the days of Jesus going house to house was the practical method. Most peopel had their business out of their home, never lived more than 20 miles form where they grew up. Plus hospitality to a stranger was a custom back then, so a preacher would stay and teach a house hold for months.
Today we don;t live like that. Back then there was No books, TV radio Internet, etc. When Christians use other means to preach the true Gospel of Jesus they really fulfill the scripture, not just Jehovah.'s Witness going from door to door. Can you tell me that house to house was the only method Jesus told us it would get done?
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>
3: 0: : http://.
341409: http://www.freeminds.org/.
14610: http://freeminds.org/.
My webhits have gone up too. My site is more stargeted, but sitll there are many XJWS seaching for God, but not returning to the Wt.
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>
chronic fatigue syndrone, m e, yuppie flu.
i dont know if anyone else has noticed the alarming number of jws who claim to suffer from chronic fatigue syndrone,i mean hear in cornwall there tend to be several sufferers in every congregation,outside the jws out of the many people i know i dont know anyone,although there are obviosly many outside the jws who suffer this illness,percentage wise it seems that jws have a much,much larger occorance of the illness.. for example my brother in law has not worked and been living on invalidity benefits for more than 10 years since his mid twenties,his brother is also in the same boat, an m.e sufferer.. i wonder if anyone has looked into this a bit more?
I guess it they would need a syndrome to collect disablity to pioneer.
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>
i just read this article in the chicago sun times.
when i started reading the parents were religious and then saw home-schooling, i had a gut feeling they were jw's.
i read on and found out i was right.
Now I understand there are extremeist who will use the Bible to justify beating a person. This is a tradgic example of how an abuser uses the Bible to justirfy his actions not to see the truth he will be accoutable to Jehovah for them. The blood of those children will not be forgotton by Jehovah.
Most people who love the Bible or a religion don't treat their children in this mannor.
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>
new software has been developed by the brothers at the london bethel which heralds a major advancement in computer controlled publishing.
it has been described as the biggest step forward in the integration of artificial intelligence and real time content authorship ever to be achieved.
the basis for the break through was the merger of two systems which have been in use at jehovahs witnesses printing facilities for some time; the multi-lingual photo-type setting system and the cd edition of the watch tower library.. two huge cray computers running neural-net design artificial intelligence engines scan old copies of watchtowers, awakes and numerous other witness literature and re-draft the information into an entirely new and palatable form complete with pictures and various other resources from a un database.
I guess for the false prophet to look like a real Christians it must keep up with technology. Of course Satan will provide his own with the best.
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>
i have a club on yahoo for jehovah's witness who still love jehovah and jesus.
it is a christian based club on the link below.. <a href= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </a>
You mean they don't already! I mean non Christian based XJW clubs out number me 10:1.
If you want to start a club, by means go ahead.
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>
i have a club on yahoo for jehovah's witness who still love jehovah and jesus.
it is a christian based club on the link below.. <a href= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </a>
I could not sign you up for the club. You have to be a sign up for it yourself as a member of Yahoo. I do not know you password with Yahoo for your E-mail, so I could not sign you even if I wanted to.
Plus, those who sign up for my club do so willingly. It is not my style. I don't have to sign up other to join the club against their will. I have many members which I havet to have co-founders to help me manage the club. Maybe you should check someone in your house or who share your computer if they signed up for you.
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>
i have a club on yahoo for jehovah's witness who still love jehovah and jesus.
it is a christian based club on the link below.. <a href= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </a>
It is great to see all the support sites on the Internet.
I remember whn I left in 1991 I was living in a small Vermont town. There was no support groups at all or you ever heard of them. Today with the Internet we can help one another.
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>