It is people like these who will use thier bitterness towards the Soctiety to actually turn away from Serving God.
I went though that stage myself. Most people who were not raised as a Jehovah's Witness became one because of their sincere desire to serve the true God. Or it is easier for them to keep sinning and blame the JWS and use it as an excuse.
The reason why I created the Christian Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses Club On Yahoo (Link is Below) is a place for those of us who still hold Conservative Christian Values and won't be riducled for expressing them. I like to invite you and anyone else if they like to join.
I am a Conservative Christian, but in no way do I make fun of others or Bible beat them. YOu maybe surprise there is more XJWS who are Conservative Christian than you think. Most Conservative still believe in the Fundamental baisc of tthe Bible and Christian fatih.
I was able to accept true Jesus after being a Jehovah's Witness. Today, I have a great relationship with him. The simplicity of that relationship which is not only amazing but experincing the freedom with out fear which the Watcthower has to add to being a Christian. (JW)
I became a Jehovah's Witness because of my sincere desire to Serve Jehovah and Jesus in the first place.
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