I am a Messianc Jew.
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>
this got me to thinking.... now that most of us have left the wts, i notice some have taken other belief systems.
some have come to a peace with their own ideas.. my question is are you involved with another religion?
has it brought you more peace or happiness?
I am a Messianc Jew.
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>
with all the "food" "fluff" larc has started, it has made me wonder how many here are vegetarian or meat eaters.. i like my meat in winter, but only in very small amounts.. summertime i go completely vegetarian and relish fruits and vegetables.. how about you??.
manners require time, and nothing is more vulgar than haste.
I am vegetarian who try to be vegan when ever I can be. Many product contain eggs, so being a vegan is not always possible,
I was very sick a few years ago. I stopped eating processed food and started a vegatarian lifestyle. I got better, got off disabilty and went back to work.
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>
this thread will hopefully serve as the platform for a friendly debate about the issue of how much respect the watchtower society deserves from ex-jehovah's witnesses.
do we blast the hell out of the borg and don't let a kind word in edgewise?
do we acknowledge that they have done some things right and (shudder) even good?
WE should give teh Wt the respect it deserves. It is not very much.
If a person want to worship a tree it is their choice. We must respect the free will choices of others, no matter how ridculus it may seem. I also do not bear the consquences of anohter person's actions, only my own.
Freedom to let the Wt be give them enough tome to expose who they are and to hang themselves.
If a person after leaving choose to go back, I will respect thier choice.
In the End, the leaders of the Wt and it's organization will be judge by Jesus. Since they don't put faith in Jesus as God, then he will give the Wt what it truly deserves not only deceiving it's member's about who Jesus is, but will face judgement by Jesus.
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>
just a reminder to all those partisan politics folks that both republicans and democrats are dirty, lying thieves through and through.
conservatives enjoyed piling on clinton and getting all frothy about how he dishonered the dignity of the white house.
then george w. promised to 'restore dignity to the white house' and instead of viewing this as a typical political lie to get elected, conservatives bought it hook, line, and sinker.
Sorry about the other link, Here is the Real weblink:
<A HREF= http://www.angelfire.com/fl2/nowaytess </A>
I have not updated it for a while, to reflect current events.
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>
just a reminder to all those partisan politics folks that both republicans and democrats are dirty, lying thieves through and through.
conservatives enjoyed piling on clinton and getting all frothy about how he dishonered the dignity of the white house.
then george w. promised to 'restore dignity to the white house' and instead of viewing this as a typical political lie to get elected, conservatives bought it hook, line, and sinker.
Clinton did not have to go to Jerusalem the day after his tape depostion. But he did. Just to stand ther and lie the way he did show a dispect for God. He made sure he did it on the Sabbath and in Jerusalem. Why did he choose to go the next day?
I havea WEbsite which my opinion of who bill Clinton is:
<A HREF= http://www.angelfire.com/nowaytess/fl2 </A>
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>
minister/elder thinking of starting a ministry that caters to individuals out of fundementalist religions.
a fellowship that focuses on the role of jesus as savior but does not require those gathering to believe in any strict interpertation of scripture.
i have been approached by different non-denominational ministers in my area to act as an associate pastor of their churches and provide an outreach program for former j.w.. some have even indicated that such a ministry might prove usefull for many after having left the watchtower.
Then Join my club! The Link is below, all you have to do is have an account with Yahoo. I can use the help in my minstry. I already have one co-founder who is an Elder!
People make fun of you if you are a fundementalist. I still believe in the principles on what the Bible teaches!
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>
just a reminder to all those partisan politics folks that both republicans and democrats are dirty, lying thieves through and through.
conservatives enjoyed piling on clinton and getting all frothy about how he dishonered the dignity of the white house.
then george w. promised to 'restore dignity to the white house' and instead of viewing this as a typical political lie to get elected, conservatives bought it hook, line, and sinker.
Clinton lied not about sex, but he obstucted justice. He was in the middle of a sexual harasment suit. If Clinton just told the truth at the beginning, it would not have gotton as far as he did. the American people would have forgiven him and moved on. Instead, he allowed it to drag out.
What really angered me was the day after the deposition video was played for all the world to see he had the gall to do something so offensive I am surprised no one else picked up on it. The very next day was Saturday, the Sabbath. Clinton had the nerve in front of Jerusalem in front of a press conference, when aksed if he lied on that tape and he delared he did not lie! What a wicked ManBill Clinton is! Bill has nerve to lie about his affair in the Holy City on the Sabbath! When I heard him and saw the news coverage I wanted to spit at him in his face!
What about Monica keeping a semen stained dress all that time? I think it was kida weird she did. Persoanlly Monica just could not keep her mouth shut and Bill admitted to it. Most men in President postion don't pick women like Monica for the sheer fact they can't keep their mouth shut. Bill in his stupidity choose a woman who could not be discreet. Most women who have afairs with Presidents are discreet and talk about it long after their lover has left the Whitehouse.
Sadly, I voted for Clinton back in 1996. I just did not want the alternative at the time. Perot was not going to win and Dole to me was a front for Newt Ginrich.
I agree with one point on this thread. No onei s prepared to handle such an awesome responibilty. These men are only human and can't be responsilbe for everything that goes wrong. I don't think George W ran Eron, but he is looking inot the 401 issue. Many whoinvested in 401K's now were devalued. For me I will be glad to see legsilation to protect our retirment savings though our 401Ks. A company going bankrupt is one thing, but a person loosing thier retirment is another story.
I accualty changed from being a Democrat to a Republican. It had very little to with Clinton but I side more with Conservative principles.
I had the chance to meet George W while he was in his campain swing here in Tampa. When you meet him, he is a very nice person. Very likeable. Jeb is just as nice and pleasent.
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>
while doing some research, i came across a united states supreme court case the society lost in 1944 on the topic of child labor.
the two paragraphs below are from, odd gods, new religions & the cult controversy, edited by james r. lewis, prometheus books, new york, 2001, pp.
78-9.. "one of the earliest cases involving children in a religious setting was prince v. massachusetts (1944).
I lived in Massachutess most of my life until I left 3 years ago.
They don't enforce that child labor law today. I have not seen a parent busted for letting their child out in field service yet!
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>
i have a bad problem where i sore all night.
not just on the inhale, but on the exhale as well.
can anyone help me as my partner finds it hard to sleep.. any suggestions????.
I have a case of Sleep Aphinia and so does my husband.
I am on a Bi-pap airway. I had a uvoplasty surgery to my throat and on this machine.
Sleep aphina is very dangerous. I was misdianosed for many years with bi-polar until my sleep problems were corrected. Sleep deprivation si misdianosed into many mental disorders and can be correct when properly treated. I never knew how tired I really was oeven if I got a good eight ours a night sleep.
The snoring keeps you from falling into your rem sleep., so you are never fully rested.
Go to a good sleep clinc and get a sleep study. If you need some surgery or in most cases a c-pap or a bi-pap machine to help push the air into you throat before you soft palette stop you from breathing. YOu are snoring because you are trying to gasp for air.
One time I was so tired I feel asleep behind the wheel of my car. My car alsomst hit a tree and I just woke up in a split second to stop it. I thank God he saved me from death that night. I had my lisence to drive taken from me for a while until I current treatement.
If you want, you can email me. My email is in my profile.
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>
sorry, for starting a new thread again, but this is discussed on german http://www.infolink-forum.de.
is there proof that http://www.circuitleasing.com is really a wt-kind corp. for selling the co's cars?.
i noticed that all given delivery points except clc-headquarters (?
Thanks for the Keychain Jay! I should order one myself.
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