Ok I had to re go back up to the top. I have to apologise, sometime I am very tired when I answer late at night.
Ok, you can take him to small cliams court, even if he does not live at his parents house. Since his parents house is his last legal address, you can have the warrent served there. Trust me, I am sure his parents don't want a process server showing him to serve him a summons or get mail for him from the court system. Court papers may motivate his parents to settle with you just ot get any legal problems out of their hair.
If you have to squeeze the parents do it in a legal way. I ma sure you are not the only debt collector who has his parents number and address. BTW you are squeezing them for info on thier kid even if he no longer lives there.
Have you even though of using the net to find the kid?
Sadly even with a Business degree, I think you know better.
I am just wondering it is the $50.00 you are after or is your payoff in another form?
Wheter we like it or not, we hang on to something whether postive or negative because we are getting a reward for it. What reward whether postive or a negative are you receiving?
BEst bet it to leave the parents alone. They problaly have enough problem from their kids besides you. YOu are the only one they can lash out at, so calling the cops may have been a way to do so. They can't call the cops on the bill collectors.
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