Oh sure David killed his "ten thousands", cut the foreskins off a couple hundred dead enemies so he could add another goodbody to the old harem, bedded down a loyal friend's wife while he was out killin' Philistines for him, then murdered the guy before he could find out, but hey--we're not striving for perfection here, are we? He was simply practicing the "follow a boob" theory.
A friend of mine says that if a true moron proceeds you in anything you attempt to do, no matter how badly you screw up you'll still look better than him. In my opinion, old Lot--maybe one of David's ancestors I guess or at least somebody he had heard of--made David look like a choir boy. "Righteous" Lot did nothing more than offer up his daughters to a ravenous mob to be raped and murdered, and when that didn't work out, he decided to have his own fun with the girls once it was lights-out in the cave. And face it, Lot was just unlikeable. What a drip! At least David had some charisma!
Seriously, it took some twisted minds to create these fictional characters like David and Lot. Makes you wonder if the writers of the bible weren't more heinously demented than the characters they created. And you're right, the WT writers are obsessed with both of them! They can't pick role models any better than that?