I had visions of shaking cameras.. oh no, Then I read this:
I produced a successful TV show that aired around the country and was syndicated in 11 other countries...
Go for it.
Man Hug for BONEZZ
ive been around this board for quite awhile.
it has helped immensely.
lately i just read everyone elses experiences and try and forget the whole nightmare...but i cant.
I had visions of shaking cameras.. oh no, Then I read this:
I produced a successful TV show that aired around the country and was syndicated in 11 other countries...
Go for it.
Man Hug for BONEZZ
how loving of our dear brothers in poland to spot a gap in the market and fill it with this fine piece of crap, i mean christian entertainment:.
such a wholesome way of enjoying upbuilding association.. etc..
They sell covers for the elders book http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hardcover-book-Shepherd-Flock-God-Jehovahs-Witnesses-/151072013104
this is tragic.
the boy is 17, and earlier this year the courts ruled that he was to be forced a transfusion.
Jgnat Stem cells transplant is an acceptable treatment. Well it is actually for "each individual to decide for themselves".
for my article on how special/international conventions really work (and why there are no wheelchairs in the above video) click here.. .
Wow that is impressive filmaking. I was waiting for the "I am Mormon"
life's not so great, i've been sulking after it was annouced, the annual meeting of directors is allowing everyone to view the event!
here comes the congregational corpes "john and jane does" to a meeting they should not be allowed to attend!
jehovah's witnesses enjoy their royalty just like americans do.
AuntConnie hope you get assigned to our circuit
so, yes, there will be a "new bible" released at this annual meeting.
worst kept secret ever.. however, the new bible will no longer be called the "new world translation".
again, this is pure speculation, but it would kind of make sense since the term "new world" is very mason-y, old-time jw-y, and doesn't appear in the bible anyway.. what they would call it, i couldn't even guess..
'New Brighter Light Scriptures' brought to you by 'Same Old Shite Shifters'
i read the cat baptisim article and i doubled over laughing.
one time when i was a kid i asked why my kitty couldn't go to the kh with us and my mom told me that animals were perfect and didn't need to go to the kh.. .
"We're back in Eden!"
there has been some speculation over the last weeks about this issue.. well it's up tonight, only large print so far though.. george.
Don't believe them = anyone , Believe Us = Gods earthly representatives
should a female publisher wear a headcovering if she is accompanied by a male publisher at a door step bible study?
when a female publisher conducts a regular ,scheduled bible study and a male kingdom publisher is present, she should wear a head covering.(1cor.
11:3-10)the july 15, 2002 issue of the watchtower, page 27, explains: this is a pre arranged session of teaching where the one conducting the study actually presides.
Should a female publisher wear a headcovering if she is accompanied by a male publisher at a door step Bible study?
When a female publisher conducts a regular ,scheduled Bible study and a male Kingdom publisher is present, she should wear a head covering.(1Cor. 11:3-10) The July 15, 2002 issue of The Watchtower, page 27, explains: “This is a pre arranged session of teaching where the one conducting the study actually presides. Under these circumstances, a study becomes an extension of the congregation. If a baptized female Witness conducts such a study with a bap tized male Witness present, she would rightly wear a headcovering.”This is true whether the study is conducted in a home, at the doorstep, or in some other setting. On the other hand, if a doorstep Bible study has not yet been established, a sister would not need to wear a head covering in the presence of a male Kingdom publisher, even if the purpose of the return visit is to demonstrate a Bible study or to consider material in one of the recommended study publications. Since doorstep studies are often established gradually, through a series of progressive return visits, publishers will need to consider the circumstances and be reasonable in determining at what point a headcovering should be used.
yes, i too have wondered how an assembly that is held in a fully paid for assembly hall, with no food service, could possibly have $10,000 in expenses.
i suppose the bethel speakers have transportation expenses - maybe $1000 or so.
as for rent on the assembly hall, well you have already paid for it once, why pay again?
Just had the 2 day CA
Accounts bro tells us all due to the donatations coming in before this Assembly we have a surplus of £26k so thank you very much. We also have £15k on loan with the Society
The Circuit Elders have agreed to the following donatations £6.5k to the World Wide Work & £6.5k to the Assembly Hall (Future upgrades or something). Then comes the kicker. "So for this 2 day Assembly so far there is a DEFICIT of £5k+ (missed the actual amount) But we are sure you will taake care of that".
Run that by me again. We had donatations since the last 1day assembly of £26k = SURPLUS
We just gave £13k of that to the WWW & Assembly Hall = £13k SURPLUS
How is it then that we have a £5,000+ DEFICIT when there is £13k left over from donatations before we even got here.