Baalamsass, You are a dying breed
Posts by 3rdgen
Door to door includes churches?
by AuntBee in.
is it still common for jws to go right up to a church to share their message?
one of my fb friends who's a pastor posted today about receiving a visit while he was in his office at his church.. can protestants likewise go up to kingdom halls to call on jws?
Some thoughts on the WTBS and money
by JeffT init is a common meme on this board that the leadership of the wtbs is driven by financial considerations.
as my may know, i have been working in financial management, particularly involving real estate for a number of years.
i've been thinking about the society's finances and i've reached a conclusion, either they are not motivated by money, or they've done a piss poor job of pulling it in.
OR.........Could they be taking the profit (they still have gains) and reinvesting? How do we know they AREN"T buying? Then using their slave labor to once again turn a huge prophet.
edit: profit hahah
Some thoughts on the WTBS and money
by JeffT init is a common meme on this board that the leadership of the wtbs is driven by financial considerations.
as my may know, i have been working in financial management, particularly involving real estate for a number of years.
i've been thinking about the society's finances and i've reached a conclusion, either they are not motivated by money, or they've done a piss poor job of pulling it in.
Very true, Selling in a depressed market indicates stupidity or a desperate need (or desire) for cash.
Some thoughts on the WTBS and money
by JeffT init is a common meme on this board that the leadership of the wtbs is driven by financial considerations.
as my may know, i have been working in financial management, particularly involving real estate for a number of years.
i've been thinking about the society's finances and i've reached a conclusion, either they are not motivated by money, or they've done a piss poor job of pulling it in.
For me, another related issue is transparency. Witnesses are never given an accurate financial report. Exactly how much money is spent WHERE? The printing and publishing could virtually be eliminated if they kept it on line.
If 2000+ workers aren't needed for factory work, the farm wouldn't be needed to grow the food. If their policies on disfellowshipping, and pediphiles, were changed, they wouldn't have to pay out huge legal settlements or house so many attorneys.
If they rented local buildings for CA's, they could sell their assembly halls and the "friends would save money.
If the GB actually believed 1975 was going to be the end, why did they undertake their huge expansion?
The GB is now stressing that JW's make THEM the beneficiarys of their estates. It's working. Most of hubby and my large JW family is writing their ofspring out of their wills. Even tho they didn't go to college and could have earned more through the years, they ALWAYS gave generously of what they DID have. When they die, their property ranging in value from 150.000.00 -1,000,000.00, respectively will ALL go to the society. I have a shirttail relative who wrote her children out of her will and gave it all to the WT$. Oil was found on her Oklahoma property and was pumping over $1,000,000.00 A MONTH!!!!
The WT$ may be lousy businessmen but they are MASTER manipulaters. They are writing a lot of CraZy statements in the WTs trying to polarize the dubs. They are incouraging shunning like never before. Could it be to separate more and more families so that grandma will write the doubters out of the will? If so, its brilliant if you ask me.
Religious People Live Longer
by mankkeli inregular involvement in religious activities goes hand in hand with better physical health and a longer life, according to a statistical analysis of 42 independent studies published since 1977 that have addressed this issue, states science news.
religious involvement, especially the public type, showed a statistically significant relationship to higher survival rates, the scientists say.
several reasons have been proposed for the findingsthe shunning of risky behaviors, marital stability, less depression associated with matters beyond direct control, greater social contacts, and positive emotions and attitudes.
by elder-schmelder ini wonder if the person selling this is an apostate?
$607 with $5.86 shipping?.
So with a day for a year, how long will it take the buyer to get the item?
Religious People Live Longer
by mankkeli inregular involvement in religious activities goes hand in hand with better physical health and a longer life, according to a statistical analysis of 42 independent studies published since 1977 that have addressed this issue, states science news.
religious involvement, especially the public type, showed a statistically significant relationship to higher survival rates, the scientists say.
several reasons have been proposed for the findingsthe shunning of risky behaviors, marital stability, less depression associated with matters beyond direct control, greater social contacts, and positive emotions and attitudes.
A longer life for the religious? Lets see.....
NOT for: JW's who need a blood transfusion
NOT for: Penticostal snake charmers
NOT for: REALLY sick Christian Scientists
NOT for: Muslim Sucide Bombers
NOT for: Thirsty Peoples Temple members
Have I forgotten anyone??
So an old friend from the hall called me today....
by shakyground inhe said he wanted to know how i was doing and what was going on with me.
i knew that it was only a matter of time before he started asking about me not being to the hall in like 3 months and him trying to bring me back into the fold.
and in about less than a minute he started telling me about how everyone at the hall misses me and asks about me.
NVR2L8, It's hard for me to imagine anything lower than being called out by name in the middle of a funeral talk of your loved one. That speaker needed a physical "attitude adjustment".
2 months of downers.
by LouBelle ini've had a very difficult 2 months since my uncle has died.
it is not becasue of his death, it just so happend to follow his death and that is the time line.. i've always been a strong woman, from little, i had to stand on my own two feet and not lean on anyone - and i that is how i tick.. each instance has hit me financially and has been piled high on my plate.
there have been days when i thought i should end it all and literally take my own life - if i had something quick at my disposal, i know i wouldn't be here now.
Very sorry to hear things are so difficult for you. There are so many caring people here. It's a good place to vent. Please know that you can make it through this. ((((((((Loubelle)))))))))
Any Texas Lawyers in the House (or anyone else)? Need advice
by TheClarinetist ini'm too stressed out right now to write this as anything more than what basically amounts to a series of bulletin points, but here goes anyway.. girlfriend burned down kitchen.. landlord wants money for repairs (obviously, no issue there) by december 5th.. landlord is attempting to apply security deposit to repairs in order to force us to pay all repair money within the next 10 days (over $1600) per the lease.
is that legal without our permission?
also, can she make us pay before she's paid anything?.
Mrs. Jones: Ditto. This is better than TV.