Welcome, Chris! We are all glad you were wise enough to investigate before your commitment. We are also glad the internet is making it easier for people to learn the facts about the religion. Enjoy the forum and the rest of your life!
Posts by 3rdgen
Hello Everyone :-)
by new one ini've only recently joined but i've been lurking for well over a year.
i'll just start with a bit of my story so you'll have a better idea on were i'm coming from, i've read that much of most of your posts that i feel i already know you all anyway lol.. i'm 32 years old now and for most of my life i've had jw's around me at times, my mom used to study on and off with them all through my child hood alough she never took the plunge i'm not sure why because even to this day she say's she holds the same beliefs but somethings held her back so there's doubt somewhere!.
anyway, having had the magazines around me for most my life i'd read them from time to time,but, when i reached about 17 years old i discovered nightclubs, alcohol and, well you know the rest ;-).. fast forward to my early 20's and i'd had a failed attempt at setting up my own business, my parents had split up after 25 years together and long story short i had a nervous breakdown.
Can we not write like a Jehovah's Witness tonight?
by Paralipomenon inrules:.
1) cannot use 'you, me, i' sutible alternatives are 'us, we'.
2) do not make statements, you have to makes statements in the form of a negative question.
Brothers and sisters, we are living in truely momentous times. Never forget where you first heard the accurate knowledge of the fruit of the vine. Others have said, "Lord, Lord, didn't we raise a glass in your name? Didn't we slurr our words in your name? and yet He will say, "Get away from me you drinkers of box wine, I never could stand the cheep stuff."
Are you trying to serve 2 masters? Are you immitation drinkers? While outwardly appearing to be hammered,you secretely pour your drink in the base of a potted plant all the while the plant is more potted than you? Friends, this is no time to be slowing down. NOW, is the time to give more than the usual attention to these matters. NOW, while there is yet time for it, widen out in your love of liquer. Are you satisfied with meer "token drinking" when perhaps you could have a fuller share?
Do you miss "dressing up" for the meetings?
by dozy ini was thinking about this the other day when doing a bit of tidying up of my wardrobe.
all the kh suits are now pushed to the back of the wardrobe and i am seriously thinking about a visit to the charity shop to get rid of most of them.. for me one of the (few) enjoyable aspects of being a jw was getting dressed up.
my secular work very rarely involves putting on a dress suit & tie so i miss getting dressed up - smart suit , tie , shiny shoes , slapping on the aftershave.
After thinking about it I realize that when I enjoyed the religion, i enjoyed dressing up. When the society started getting more and more crazy with the rules the less I enjoyed the meetings, the less i enjoyed the meetings, the more I resented stiffling my natural dramatic personality and "dressing down" to fit in with the other sisters. I stopped enjoying the time and effort it takes to get ready. Like many others here, I love to dress up when I can wear what I want and not to be molded into some "look" prescribed by an Elder body and their wives. I wish I had more occasions to dress up now that we're "out". So I guess the answer is: yes I miss dressing up but NOT for the meetings!
How do I respond to this? from my father
by alamb ina daughter .
daughters are precious, in so many ways,.
from the day of their birth, till the end of your days.. .
Quandry, good stuff!
How do I respond to this? from my father
by alamb ina daughter .
daughters are precious, in so many ways,.
from the day of their birth, till the end of your days.. .
(((((((((ALamb)))))))))) I forgot- this is for you.
How do I respond to this? from my father
by alamb ina daughter .
daughters are precious, in so many ways,.
from the day of their birth, till the end of your days.. .
Under the circumstances, I go with Outlaw on this. he should be on bloody knees BEGGING you for forgiveness not dishing out this syrupy guilt trip.
To Quote Dr Suess: "They never will learn, no you can't teach a Sneech!" The story of the Sneetches describes the unfounded Superior attitude some have over others. Substitute J-Dubs for Sneeches and you'll LOL. Toxic is toxic. Live well without him.
Can you be a JW in good standing and NOT go door to door?
by Terry inthe 2nd president of the watchtower bible and tract society, j.f.rutherford was criticised by some elders in the (then) independant congregations for urging members to go door to door while neglecting to do so himself.
rutherford responded:.
frequently some elder says: the president of the society does not go from house to house selling books.
Therevealer, Thanks- good points.
Can you be a JW in good standing and NOT go door to door?
by Terry inthe 2nd president of the watchtower bible and tract society, j.f.rutherford was criticised by some elders in the (then) independant congregations for urging members to go door to door while neglecting to do so himself.
rutherford responded:.
frequently some elder says: the president of the society does not go from house to house selling books.
Another point that has been alluded to here is that even if a person is NEVER EVER seen in FS of any kind, only the elders would know what he REPORTS. It is an honor system of reporting. Many here have admitted to "embellishing" their hrs. The Borg puts so much PRESSURE to report hrs. the humanity and integrity is secondary. It's about LOOKING good not BEING good.
Can you be a JW in good standing and NOT go door to door?
by Terry inthe 2nd president of the watchtower bible and tract society, j.f.rutherford was criticised by some elders in the (then) independant congregations for urging members to go door to door while neglecting to do so himself.
rutherford responded:.
frequently some elder says: the president of the society does not go from house to house selling books.
In JW land there is a distinction made between "exemplary" and "good standing". If I remember correctly, (correct me if wrong) good standing simply means a babtised person is not publicly or privately under reproof or restrictions by the BOE. Therefore he/she can comment and engage in FS and TMS. As long as a person reports SOME time each month(15 min.) he is in good standing. Miss a month=irregular. Miss 6 consecutive months=inactive. No longer counted as a pub.
To qualify for additional "priveledges" such as a demonstration at the service meeting, pioneering, carring mikes, etc. a person must be considered "exemplary" by the BOE.This is a higher standard and requires reporting at least the cong average of FS, some of which would be expected to be D2D. Consider this: if the congregation average is 7 hrs., a person could spend ONLY 2 hrs a mo. D2D, and 1 hr informal witnessing, and the remaining 4 hrs.on the family study. Bada Bing....EXEMPLARY!!!!!
Hi - I'm new here!
by Flicka ini have been lurking on this site for the past 2 months.
for the past few years i have been going to the meetings and doing fieldservice out of guilt.. my husband (twisty) told me regularly i only do it out of guilt but i denied it and said it i want to do these things because i love jehovah and it is the right thing to do, but how can it be the right thing if you don't feel welcome and it feels like everyone is judging you the moment you walk into the kingdom hall.. it has taken a few years and a lot of tears to open my eyes.. over the past few years twisty spoke to me about the various things he didn't agree with but it just went over my head.
a few months ago we were lying in bed and he brought up his concerns again, and i'm not sure what was different this time but i understood and agreed with the points he was making.
Welcome Flicka,
Is't this a great group? People so different, yet so many similar feelings and experiences. You and Twisty are in the same boat as my hubby Balaamsass and I. Every day that goes by it feels like more weight is lifted off our shouldersLikely you are feeling the same.
Wishing you two all the best on your road to freedom.