Being that modern reliable toilets and automatic washers/ dryers have been around for at least 60 years, technology does not seem to me to be the issue. Using cheap and shoddy parts and labor does.
To answer your questions: The toilets were an off-brand carried by Home Depot about 10 yrs ago. Sorry, we can't remember the brand name. Something like Ecco comes to mind though.
Hubby and I were Real Estate investors before the '08 crash. We rehabbed and resold at least 15 properties including an 8 unit commercial building. We never had a problem with American Standard or Better yet, Kholer fixtures.
The Mismatched washer and dryer were made in about 2013 and came from hubby's mom who almost never used them. The washer is Kenmore and Dryer Maytag. Both have "Made in Mexico" labels. (in obscure places)