@ Free TheMasons:
Did you ever start a Bible study with someone you found in "field service" when you were a JW? I honestly want to know, because if you did you must have had a better approach than you do on this board.
If not, we all know why.
can i call you friends, i think so after 23 years posting here.
i am dismayed how jwn is being "dominated" or taken over by a few posters, peppering the comments.
in the past, the admin did not approve of this and did remove some posters from jwn.
@ Free TheMasons:
Did you ever start a Bible study with someone you found in "field service" when you were a JW? I honestly want to know, because if you did you must have had a better approach than you do on this board.
If not, we all know why.
can i call you friends, i think so after 23 years posting here.
i am dismayed how jwn is being "dominated" or taken over by a few posters, peppering the comments.
in the past, the admin did not approve of this and did remove some posters from jwn.
Blondie, You took the words right out of my mouth, well, keyboard.
These few posters should PM each other and leave the rest of us alone. It is negatively impacting JWN.
If this board was like it is now when I stumbled across it 12 years ago I might still be an inactive JW never learning TTATT. Simply withdrawing from Watchtower is not enough to rid ourselves of the Fear Obligation and Guilt associated with it.
It is a shame to see some have left one cult simply to join another, be it religious or Political.
... is just three weeks from this saturday.
the org has been tight-lipped, really, successfully secret about advance info on these in recent years,.
now that these relatively recent changes on dress and grooming, reporting fs time, judicial matters, etc.
Kerry King,
Just to be clear, my aunt never was asked to write for WTS nor were most of the partakers. They were Occasionally Consulted about their opinions is all. A few wrote their life stories but that's about it.
Also, I don't know how many partakers were asked for their opinions. Were ALL of them asked or was it just the ones who partook BEFORE 1935? My guess it was only the pre 1935 ones. Since the belief was that the number144,000 was "sealed" by 1935.
... is just three weeks from this saturday.
the org has been tight-lipped, really, successfully secret about advance info on these in recent years,.
now that these relatively recent changes on dress and grooming, reporting fs time, judicial matters, etc.
No zombie said "the Governing Body does not care for the thoughts and feelings of the rank and file anymore."
Vidiot replied, "They did before?"
Believe it or not, there was a time when the "remnant" were asked to weigh in on Bible interpretation and possibly other matters as well. Admittedly, at that time they wouldn't be considered rank and file though.
I know this because my father's older sister and I were close. She was baptized in the mid 1920s as a "Bible Student" and till her death at 100 years old she always felt she had a "heavenly calling". This woman didn't just "Talk the Talk" she really "Walked the Walk", pioneered most of her life, help start at least 2 new congregations, and even arranged for an assembly hall to be built in her town.
Throughout her JW life WTS wrote her from time to time asking her interpretation of a scripture or a belief. HOWEVER it should be noted that this was during the time that the "remnant" numbers were decreasing and they were ALL considered part of the "Faithful and Discrete Slave". She mentioned this to me around 1970ish before the shift to the 'Elder arrangement".
At least in bygone days some of the beliefs were arrived at by consensus.
say it ain’t so!
in one sense it’s a no brainer because the figures just don’t add up any more.. in another (negative) sense it’s a no brainer because it’s been fundamental to jws since year dot and might undermine the whole thing?
"This is a discussion that seems to be caught in a time loop. Me, I'm just interested in the WTS teaching changes on this topic if any and how current jws will react if it is changed."
I couldn't agree MORE! More and more topics are being derailed by a couple of Evangelists arguing over their personal religious beliefs (never taught by JWs.) IMHO these debates are irritating when they are off topic. Can't you guys start your own topics and leave the others alone? Or better yet, have those discussions privately?
thinking sometimes about my youth days and the stories my grandfather told me about our jw congregation.
do you recognize that your congregation was full of somehowe strange folks, very low educated, poor and simple?.
the po was an elder with some distance, with some personality acting intelligent and following the rules strict.. there was always a kind of scandal.
In the 1950s I was born and spent the first 7 years in the Monterey Peninsula. My overseer father and pioneer mother had previously helped form the congregation. They brought me home from the hospital to live in the apartment above the Kingdom Hall.
Our congregation had a doctor, a female college professor, a building contractor who handcrafted violins and incredible Swedish furniture, a radio actress, a retired actual cowboy, a chiropractor, and an entrepreneur to name the ones I remember. I was the only child in the hall until I was six! Most of the ones I mentioned before were childless or their children were already grown. All were hard working or retired and lived comfortably or better.
It was a different religion then, much worse for children with the weekly talks stressing corporal punishment and vivifying Dr Spock. Yet, it was better for the adults in that they could freely speculate and even debate certain aspects of "The Truth". And they DID in my presence.
Most of the people were intelligent or gifted or both. They simply were disgusted with the clergy of Christendom and became JWs because they were "not a religion" and neutral to politics.
Of course the 1960s brought huge changes to society in general but the borg exploded with growth -especially in the mid 60's to mid1970s. Many joined who were poor or uneducated looking for a way out of their miserable life or disgusted with the Vietnam War. A message of paradise coming in just a few years or even Months was too good to resist. Gradually, the free thinkers were silenced or died. The converts tended to "serve for the reward" and the rest is more history.
lets imagine the watchtower idea of armageddon really does happen in the next couple of years.... and afterwards jehovah says to the gb.
" right guys--ive done my part--its all over to you now.
see you again in 1000 years time ".
Baalamsass: Who would have thought AFGHANSTAN was the REWARD all those years?
Yeah, but with waterfalls.
on february 22, 2023, anthony morris iii was officially removed from the governing body of jehovah's witnesses.
a few months later it was revealed that the watchtower bought him a house in lumberton, north carolina.. however, and correct me if i am wrong, since leaving the gb nobody has reported seeing tony attending jw meetings or participating in field service.
in fact nobody has reported seeing him anywhere, not even at a local liquor store.
also Baby Jane
sea breeze: @nicolau,i stated my case rather succiently, which you failed to address.
if you have a better solution to the problem of evil than what jesus offers, then why don't you present that in a new topic?.
pathetic diversion.
Maybe something important came up and God didn't lift a finger to help him.
local announcement has even pimis amused.
wanting rooms for some event or refugees-not clear.
private room with private bath.
My experience was during Knoor's time. 15yo me thought Jehovah "opened up their hearts" to allow strangers into their home. Unfortunately, I saw the whole thing as proof Jehovah was blessing our work. Hubby said to me, The householders probably thought you girls were asking for yourselves. LOL
We only stayed at a private home once. It was for the NYC 1958 convention. My dad had an important assignment where we needed our accommodations for 3 weeks. The rooming people must have had a Star by his name or something because we were given a lovely suite in a gorgeous house.
We barely ever saw the owners. We left early and came home very late. No time to witness even if they had wanted to. Knowing my dad he probably gave them a large "tip" and The "Paradise" book that was released at that CONvention.