Yes Vidqun, I do blame the Bible for most horrible things that have happened.
Holy Wars, Crusades, genocide, I don't only blame the Bible I blame religion. Most people say "but it was people who did it", yes, but if the Bible never existed it would have never happened.
People's potential have also been dumbed down by religion. Rather than contributing to science, art, or music, they are too busy at the seminary, or church.
Religion is resonsible for prejudice, rascism, and massacring of thousands.
Even the Bible chronicles these occurrences, and gives rules to the people of God, like Leviticus 20:13, which tells us to kill all known homosexuals.
Most everything bad that happens can be blamed on God.
He knows all
He is all powerful
He is perfectly good
Evil exists.
This is logically impossible, and thus there is something wrong with that statement.
There many proofs against theism, including the Logical Problem of Evil and the Evidential Problem of Evil.
I suggest you check out the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.