Love this thread!
In 2008 Michigan past their medical marijuana law, and in 2013 are now considering recreational use as ok just like WA and CO. I grew up thinking that mj was so bad that I would not even entertain the idea of using it; and I still have some bias and sterotypes in my head about it put there by our political system. However as my youngest son started college in 2010 my views started to change and reluctently I got legal to use introduced it to my son. Having your youngest go to college on the far side of the state is difficult for a mom like me, but I never regret introducing MJ to my son. On his college campus alone 2 have died from alcohol poisening, two from using fake MJ, one from oxy overdose, and I can't even begin to count the number of MIPs, DUIs. No one has ever died from MJ. Also MJ users do not start fights or do stupid things like alcohol users. I worked 10 years in a metro Detroit ER and NEVER did I see anyone come in for an issue related to MJ except for once. A young mother was at her sister's playing cards and smoking MJ. She put her 8 month old baby in a playpin and somehow the baby got his coat over his mouth and smothered to death. Very sad. Had the mother not be using, perhaps she would have been more attentive to her child. With that said, it should be a truism to never use anything, alcohol, drugs, natural or otherwise, when responsible for the care of anyone else.