People who try to add something to the Bible we have today can be called enemies of God Yahweh.The Bible must have 66 books as I have proven using the calculations based on the Bible. These 66 books must be present in any verison of the Bible we get into our hands and we operate strictly on these books.
What Christ taught and done in his 3.5 years of his ministry could have taken many books the world could not contain ! - John 21.25. If all that Jesus had said is not in the Bible how can you speak about lost books of the Bible if we deal with this that many words Jesus spoke were omitted by God Yahweh who have him His own words as Jesus was inspired by God the Father.
If someone speaks about missing books he better read the Bible and correct his problem as soon as possible.
We are to stick to the Bible as we get it and we consider 66 books that King James Bible has as the Holy Book.
If you read the layout of the books of the Bible you should see how Mighty God Yahweh took care of His word that we got the right Bible despite of the fact that original writings were lost for a good reason for Yahweh to prove His point.
1879 AD + 12 years for 12 books of the latter part of the Old Testament + 27 years folr 27 books for the first part of the Old Testament + 27 years for 27 books of the New Testament = 1945 AD
1945 AD + 27 years for the New Testament books + 27 years and 12 years for the books of the Old Testament = 2011 AD
1879 AD + 12 + 27 + 27 + 27 + 27 + 12 = 2011 AD
Note the 27 represents " 7 Times " in my calculations .
And the 27th book of the Old Testament is the Book of Daniel that speaks about " 7 Times " !
And the 27th book of the New Testament is the Book of Revelation that speaks about " 7 Times " and the end of the world !
There is no need for any single additional book to the Bible ! There are sure no lost books of the Bible but many lost minds who deny the Bible is from God Yahweh and is sufficient to come to the Truth and salvation.