Topics Started by NCO
Time for an Intervention
by NCO income this july, i will have been out of the jw's for 20 years.
and it has been quite a long time since i've really spent any serious time studying up on jw news and doctrines although i do still read here occasionally.
but after today looks like i've got some work to do.. my first sergeant called me this morning asking for my help to fix his dad's truck as i'm an auto technician in my civilian job.
Please can we all have a go at describing and celebrating our different NEW IDENTITIES, versus our OLD WBTS IDENTITY?
by Fernando inat one time most of us here identified as jws who follow the wbts gb/fds who claim to follow the bible etc.
some of us are journeying to a new identity, others may feel they already have a new identity.. although we likely have gone in many different directions, we share a common past which only ex-members can really understand and explain.
please could we each respectfully share and celebrate our unique perspectives of where we have come from, and where we each are now at on this journey?.
by NCO inhad to meet my parents not too long ago for some family business and while working out the time for that sunday, they said they had the meeting and then following the meeting they had "hospitality" for an hour or so.. now i've been out for going on 20 years and somewhat out of the loop.
needless to say i've never heard of that.
i've been to other churches where they have the sanctuary and then the fellowship hall where the members go and eat after the service.
Who Are Your Past Circuit Overseers? It's a small world..
by mentallyfree31 inwho were your past circuit overseers?
i'm sure a lot of us actually know mutual people, as the co's relocate all over the country.. here's a few from the southeast us: (let me know if you recognize any names and post yours too please...).
ellwood johnson (new york/philadelphia area for several years also).
What Stupid Things Were You Counseled For?
by minimus ini've always been told that i have a very good personality, that i'm humorous, etc.. one elder called me over and said that i was "smiling too much".
the other elders talked to the elder who counseled me and he came back to say that i should be like i was .
What's The Worst Thing An Elder or Elders Did To You?
by minimus inwas there anything truly terrible??
Ignorant Judgemental CO's and DO's
by Scully inbadwillie wrote the following experience about an ignorant comment from a do:.
case in point:.
a friend received a full scholarship from a local college to study to become a veternarian.