"What I did is said well here are 5 things I found to be absolutely factual"...Hadriel
Ok i'll bite what are your fav five?
My Fade has bees successful as well, wife is fully awake and agrees that this is just another religion, not Gods org. She still won't research apostate sites, so I have to cut and paste what I know she will appreciate and send to her, otherwise she is out mentally.
The kids; So I told the kids I had to talk to them as to why dad does not go to the meeting anymore and has had a change of heart about the Truth. I told them that I would explain everything to them on the way to the convention. Had them in the car for 3 yrs, explained as much as I could with out over whelming them. I asked them if they had any questions and they unloaded on me so many question and there own doubts. We had the best family conversation and really bonded like never before. I emphasized the mind control and fear tactics that the will see (videos) and hear at the convention, afterwards they agreed.
So our fade has been successful for the most part but stressful because of family still in, we are at the save them stage from their apostate father, they don't know they just suspect is my guess. I woke up on 2/23/2013 the word is out "a run away slave"