Hi Kate
Interesting perceptive on internet forums. I guess I never really considered making friends online, considering i'm trying to remain anonymous and all. My main reason for coming here has been for support and helping new one lurking unsure 'what it is they are reading'. There are so many things going through a persons head when they first arrive, they are troubled and confused, depressed and angry. Then they go back to meeting and they are beat up some more...I know because I/we went through it. You feel like you are getting beat up from both sides, until it just clicks. Slowly thing become clearer and you realize you have been a victim of a cult, sometime no fault of our own just unfortunate to be born into it.
ExJW sites are life saving and life changing....I owe a lot to this site especially, since it was the first one I landed on and finally woke. I must say, I don't agree with half the stuff that I read here and I don't feel the need to comment or debate on every subject on this forum. What I do like is the diverse perspective's and ideas that are shared on this site and other like it, by people that sat in a KH and where subjected to the same life choices as me because of there alliance to a mind control cult. We are inescapably connected because of the cards we were dealt. This has become incredibly obvious to me as i read more and more experiences and think to myself........"he lived my life"........"that is me"........"do I know that person?" And sometimes I have thought "I would of liked, to known that person as a friend, we would of got along".
I guess what I'm trying to say is don't feed some much into it, its not healthy. Its just a online forum with different individuals with different life experiences who you will not always agree with. Just like in real life you wouldn't invite everyone you meet to your home?..........its the same here.
Hope the best for you and your journey.