Why did it take the providence to provide this man's daughter with the appropriate medical treatment? NO ONE would come between me and my daughter/son (if I had one). I wonder why the father couldn't have made this decision himself... I know in the states that if the mother says no, and the father says yes, the child would recieve a blood transfusion.
JoinedPosts by ofcmad
A Young Girl Lives, Thanks to Ceasar
by messenger inhttp://www.thestar.com/nasapp/cs/contentserver?pagename=thestar/layout/article_type1&c=article&cid=1014203908594&call_page=ts_world&call_pageid=968332188854&call_pagepath=news/world.
feb. 20, 06:06 edt .
court denies teen's religious objection to transfusion .
by You Know in------------------- when the fecal matter hits the fan!
the book of malachi is addressed to the priests of israel after the time of judgment when the babylonians destroyed the nation.
but, in reality, the prophecy applies to the anointed priests of the christian era who are similarly in a legally binding covenant relationship with jehovah god.
You have to have some kind of JW death wish. You would certainly be disfellowshipped if the Society informed your local body of elders about the contents of this post.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------They couldn't do that without also opening up the whole NGO issue though. I don't think they would want to do that. / You Know
Hmmm.. have you really been following and reading posts on this board? Do you know how many people they have hung from the rafters? All they would do is declare you an "apostate" and the rank and file JW's would see you as such. Although Ray Franz has done alot to help JW's and ex-jw's alike, with all the publicity he has, the organization has not crumbled. 6 million + still believe. What makes you think that they would care about you?
Whats the dumbest thing you were counselled for?
by Beck_Melbourne ini was once counselled by the elders for watching 'knots landing'....it became widely known in the congregation that me and a few other sisters would rush home from field service to watch our favourite soapie.
if we missed it, we would ring each other up for an update...or...if we weren't near a tv we would ask someone to put the phone handset on the top of their tv so we could hear it...pathetic huh...but that was all the excitement we could scrounge up in our otherwise dull and uneventful lives.
one of the elder's wive's conscience got the better of her...and she confessed to her husband..lol.
Smoldering Wick --
Do they still have your balls? They might have been jealous that you had balls and they didn't. Therefore, the need for the counseling.LOL
Poor Grandma
by Dutchy inmy cousin just called me and gave me some distressing news.
it seems that last night my grandma was publicly reproved at the kingdom hall.
my grandma was born is 1900 so she is now well over 100 years old.
I'm wondering if the elder that was caught during his indescretions was the one to actually make the announcement. Apparently there was a power struggle and the anointed woman lost out. Anointed women still have less power then a great crowd elder.
I always claim that the reason why I fly off the handle easy is because of the struggle within me -
Irish, German, Jewish and Black....ofcmad
Bizarre story from Georgia
by Bendrr ini don't know if anyone else has been following this, but here's the link.. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,46042,00.html.
Yeah... they can charge him with felony theft by deception (O.C.G.A. 16-8-3) for each dead body. The felony theft by deception is when the amount of theft thru depriving someone of property and the property value is over $500.00. I can hear the defense attornies working up for this one.
What is really weird is that stealing flowers off of a grave site is also a felony... you can recieve one to three years for it. Yet, GA doesn't have a law for this kind of crime.
I think that it had to be more then one man involved in this.
officer m.a.d.
Whats the dumbest thing you were counselled for?
by Beck_Melbourne ini was once counselled by the elders for watching 'knots landing'....it became widely known in the congregation that me and a few other sisters would rush home from field service to watch our favourite soapie.
if we missed it, we would ring each other up for an update...or...if we weren't near a tv we would ask someone to put the phone handset on the top of their tv so we could hear it...pathetic huh...but that was all the excitement we could scrounge up in our otherwise dull and uneventful lives.
one of the elder's wive's conscience got the better of her...and she confessed to her husband..lol.
An elders meeting was called and I was counselled on watching New Jack City with a couple of friends. My mother called the meeting with the elders and the sister who's kids I was watching it with.
No lie- counselled by the elders to get rid of my smurf doll..it was the girl one. They saw it one night while they were holding the book study at my house. I was only 9.
How to Lose a Jehovah's Witness
by JAVA ini ran across this bit of humor while doing some research--enjoy!.
i think the jehovah's witness people already have me on their list.
a fast story about a witness encounter.
Actually one of the best ways to get them to leave is tell them that you are a born-againer that speaks in tounges... then you can start chanting.. "Mecca-leca-hi-mecca-hinie-ho".. they'll leave in a heartbeat!
Online Gamers? (FTP)
by Uboat_Ninja inany online gamers here?
if so what games you into online?
i use to be an asheron's call addict.
I'm into single player games.. Max Payne ROCKS!!!
Got a working version of it from Morpheous. -
New Preaching Technique for JWs.
by Pureheart inhow do you like my new presentation?.
pureheart: hello, my name is pureheart.
i am one of jehovahs witnesses.. householder: wait a minute.
Speaking of not-at-homes, why do the witnesses mainly preach Mon-Fri, 9-5, when most people are working for a living? And those that aren't, are probably sleeping from working a night shift job.
By the way, I feel jipped...I haven't ever recieved a sheparding call, or got a visit by witnesses since I moved to GA.