from "just jws" site http://communities.msn.co.uk/justjws/general.msnw?action=get_message&mview=0&id_message=476&lastmodified=4675361990416533398.
firstly may i state i have not visited or am aware of the site you visited, but if i may offer a reply.
we have ones who were former child abusers as we have ones who were former murderers etc etc, we do monitor these ones for the safety of our congregations and to uphold jehovah's clean standards.
when i was a dub growing up, i remember the nightmares..... repeated, and frequent.... the terrible feeling of dreaming that "armageddon" had come, and that destruction was happening all around me.. when i woke up, i would lie perfectly still, and do nothing.
not even a muscle twitch, and just "listen" for a familiar sound, to tell me i was indeed still alive, and still on the planet.. and the fear those dreams put in me, i can still remember 25-30 years later.. how many of you, growing up in, or even coming in as adults had a similar experience?.
learn about the wtbts and the u.n.. ** http://www.geocities.com/plowbitch69 **
Same here-
Dreams that armageddon had occurred and thinking I was waking up in the "New System".
My parents used to take magazines, wrap them in tinfoil and stick them in the ciderblocks in our basement. This was incase the US would say that reading WT material was outlawed. Of course, NOW I see that as crazy.. and now I wonder why they never hid the Bible. I would figure that would be more important.
hello all...been lurking between puppy grooms...just had to post this one!.
my daughter and x-hubby (inactive jw for many years) went to dinner the other night at grannies( hard nosed jw) and was told that the wtbs says that jw's can no longer have tubal ligations.
the reasoning was it interferes with the "natural order" of things.
In the case of sterilization, such as by a vasectomy, the decision is one of personal conscience, since this is not directly mentioned in the Bible. “Each one will carry his own load.” (Galatians 6:5)
I guess that is taking the scriptures literally.
Unfortunately they don't talk about the right to hold that load back..lollolol
from "just jws" site http://communities.msn.co.uk/justjws/general.msnw?action=get_message&mview=0&id_message=476&lastmodified=4675361990416533398.
firstly may i state i have not visited or am aware of the site you visited, but if i may offer a reply.
we have ones who were former child abusers as we have ones who were former murderers etc etc, we do monitor these ones for the safety of our congregations and to uphold jehovah's clean standards.
They dub-el speak..
There is no such thing as a FORMER pedophile.
i am a full blown practising black satanic magician and ex-jw who is out to crush jehovah's empire and bring it to its knees.
i am seeking similar like minded persons for the gathering together of a magical order of the darkest kind.
respond only if you dare.
Hey Nimrod -- (which you are)
When I get to heaven, and you to hell, tell me how it is.
does christ's ramsom cater for extraterestials?
during his three days death he visited the spirits in prison who came to earth during noah's day, as in jude 1. the word angel is an old english word for 'angle' which means 'the keepers of the angles' and are also extra-terrestials, hence aliens.
in the bible book of genesis 11:7 god said "let 'us go down' to confuse their languages".
Nimrod --
Stick around long enough and you'll have your fair share of pokes and prods...
BTW, most scholars cannot say with any certainty what the message was to the angels because the Bible DOESN'T say what the message was. It just said a message.
Ask any mormon or JW, they would know what the message was.
on the back cover of the april 8 issue of awake!
is a little story about two teenagers 'caught' praying at macdonalds.
apparently the two teenagers felt the need to explain to an onlooker that they were praying to a 'different' god, or in the words of the article "not just any god".. i'm curious, which god was this?
Yeah.. and our prayers are not to be boasted...
BTW, here in the south US, it is not uncommon to find folks praying over their meals.
check this out: .
basically they are trying to gain a portion of the swiss banks settlement for their "holocaust education" work.
Before the money starts rolling.. someone needs to drag out the 1934 Yearbook and show the United Nations what they REALLY believed about the Jews....
hello all...been lurking between puppy grooms...just had to post this one!.
my daughter and x-hubby (inactive jw for many years) went to dinner the other night at grannies( hard nosed jw) and was told that the wtbs says that jw's can no longer have tubal ligations.
the reasoning was it interferes with the "natural order" of things.
Sorry ya'll.. When I first looked at the topic I thought it said tubal litagations.... Long day at work.
Anyhoo... I think that that is still a no,no for a birth control method.
mine is the story of a lady who was witnessing alone in an apartment building, and aparently she knocked on the door of some rapists/murderers/drug dealers......whatever......she was "saved" by two angels, only visible to the attackers, that accompanied her on that visit.
or how about the one where a householder had his finger on the trigger of a gun and was just about to pull it when.....all of a sudden....out of nowhere (drumroll please) a witness knocked on his door and offered him "the promise of everlasting life in the new system of thingstm"!!
I guess that is what happens when you suffer brain damage.