How do you feel about Hal Fleming?
JoinedPosts by AvocadoJake
Viewpoint On Hal Fleming, How do you feel about him?
by AvocadoJake inhow do you feel about hal fleming?.
4 Suicides I Am Aware Of This Year, Why Elders, COs Are Not Competent To Handle These Matters. (Life Or Death, Your Choice!)
by AvocadoJake ini would like to relate with the first suicide that took place this year, this was more than seven months ago.
this person was deeply distraught and was talking about killing themself.
the conduct of this person started to escalate (deep depression with morbid thoughts.
Issue at hand, Can the Watchtower trained COs, Elders and Mini-servants provide help for those who are emotionally sick or mentally unstable? The answer is a blatant "No!" since emotional problems and mental disease exist only with Apostates, there is no need to train these men to help. All JWs are the most loving and happy people in the world.
Congregation Coordinator Disfellowshipped
by headisspinning inmy sister just told me that the congregation coordinator from my last hall was recently disfellowshipped.
his wife passed away within the past year.. all i know is that the first announcement was that he was no longer an elder.. and then a while later that he had been disfellowshipped.. he was quite prominent in the city where i live and he has been specifically named on this website at least once - if not twice.
specifically, there was at least one post by 'dogpatch' where his name was mentioned.. just thought i would share..
Was he a good man?
4 Suicides I Am Aware Of This Year, Why Elders, COs Are Not Competent To Handle These Matters. (Life Or Death, Your Choice!)
by AvocadoJake ini would like to relate with the first suicide that took place this year, this was more than seven months ago.
this person was deeply distraught and was talking about killing themself.
the conduct of this person started to escalate (deep depression with morbid thoughts.
To "MammaTosseeMe" there is a National Geographic show on "Stress" with the leading doctors dealing with the subject hierarchial structures, and how they are able to remain relatively stress free, while the drones are battling rage, stress, health issues and other pains brought by the Group heads.
For all who want to know why a elder on top can have no stress, while the average joe and jane publisher or servant can have ulcers, added body fat and stress beyond belief. Please watch the movie on Netflix "Stress" by National Geographic, it explains beyond belief, why the upper echelon live so long, while we don't.
In grad school, I took a class dealing with Afred Adler's theories of human psychology and his methods and theories of family psy. Look up the the origin of cogintize dissoannce and the UFO cult and what took place with the "End of the World" did not come. The reasearcher who coined the term Cog Dis, provided some of the most incredible research on this topic and will help explain, how easy it is for failed expectations to be blown off by the Group itself. Sorry about the typing and spelling problems, I am trying to type from my phone, so please forgive me. Peace to you, my internet brothers and sisters. have you run!
Why do Elders move to the most expensive area to live, WHO CAN'T AFFORD IT?
by AvocadoJake inwhy do elders are dead broke, move to the highest priced areas in the usa.
in california, we welcome many broken families who are not afraid to work or find a way to live without telling the flock, "we are broke, we might file bk, can you please help us find a home, i am a fulltime servant of god, so can you?
" they complain how they are so broke, "can't make the rent or make if off the food stanmps they get" yet they move to an area where the average home is $900k after the great real estate meltdown.
Hi Balaam, you too have come across brothers who want to work "under the table" too? They want to be paid for the whole weak, after working two days, promising to finish up the three days labor they owe you. You find out they took off, to the next Kingdom Hall, twenty miles away to start working the crowd all over again. So many Kingdom Halls filled with good hearted 'Marks'. waiting to have their wallets emptied by fake pioneers, or fake brothers. You have to remember, everyone is rich in Californication, according to these Out of State friends, as well as the illegals from Mexico and Central America.
Help With The Societys View Of Jesus Ransom Applying Only To The Annointed.
by AvocadoJake ini have read bits and pieces about the wt saying jesus ransom sacrifice only applies to the annointed.
the annointed in turn, will be mediators between earth dwellers and jesus christ to jehovah.
to get to jehovah, we know we must approach him in jesus christ name, when did the gb become the middle men between jesus christ and those who think they will be living on the earth.
I have read bits and pieces about the WT saying Jesus ransom sacrifice only applies to the annointed. The annointed in turn, will be mediators between earth dwellers and Jesus Christ to Jehovah. To get to Jehovah, we know we must approach him in Jesus Christ name, when did the GB become the middle men between Jesus Christ and those who think they will be living on the earth. What is the basis for the GB's tinkering with the New Testament, moving our Saviour further away from us. This subject makes my heart sink, moving the Kingdom of God. If Russell had issues with his second adventist (Barbour) friend about the "Ransom." how would he feel today, this multi-level marketing system of Jesus Christ's simple words. Peace to all you!
Regarding Compent Use Of The Bible In Field Service. JWs or XJWs Only Please.
by AvocadoJake indear brothers and sisters, i watched a disturbing video on youtube of this born-againer beating the hell out of some old timers in utah( i think.
) and his conduct was hideous, not christlike one bit.
the question i pose to you is this, how many jws were you truly impressed by their use of the bible?
...and to be fair, this was always a pet peeve of mine before I was woken up. I would venture to say that the vast majority of Jehovah's Witnesses have never even read The Bible from cover-to-cover, or even The New Testament, let alone be 'skilled' at using it to convince anyone of anything.
The new generation is becoming even worse at reading the Bible, and look like ding-a-lings at the doors, Dooh!
4 Suicides I Am Aware Of This Year, Why Elders, COs Are Not Competent To Handle These Matters. (Life Or Death, Your Choice!)
by AvocadoJake ini would like to relate with the first suicide that took place this year, this was more than seven months ago.
this person was deeply distraught and was talking about killing themself.
the conduct of this person started to escalate (deep depression with morbid thoughts.
This will continue was long as COs, elders and other individuals continue with the pretense that the Watchtower is above average with their dealings with issues. Wife beaters will continue to beat the hell out of their wives, sisters will be told "You need to be kind, you need to render your due, you need to not make him mad!". If you had a daughter with a blood clot in her brain, and you found out her husband was punching her in the head, what would you do? The coward of a father, sat back and prayed and the elders told this young prince (Be nice, pleazzzzeee.), finally she left the fool. Elders are heinous when it involves wife beating, child beating and other abuses, inept to no training equals incompetence. Elders remind me of the old Mortuary commericals "We are your Silent Partner in your time of great need!" The stories about of women being told to "stand down. just roll with the punches." and be a "godly wife, he might stop hitting you." Why do we listen to men who do not obey Jehovah God and who fail to protect Jesus Christ's little sheep.
Regarding Compent Use Of The Bible In Field Service. JWs or XJWs Only Please.
by AvocadoJake indear brothers and sisters, i watched a disturbing video on youtube of this born-againer beating the hell out of some old timers in utah( i think.
) and his conduct was hideous, not christlike one bit.
the question i pose to you is this, how many jws were you truly impressed by their use of the bible?
Dear Brothers and Sisters, I watched a disturbing video on Youtube of this born-againer beating the hell out of some old timers in Utah( I think.) and his conduct was hideous, not christlike one bit. The question I pose to you is this, how many JWs were you truly impressed by their use of the Bible? Those who did not have to look in the reference in the back to find a scriptuer. Those who knew exactly where a scripture was and qouted it correctly. The video I watched made me want to cry, the poor old brothers and sisters got hammered, did not know where the scriptures were. My best friend who is no longer a JW, was the best, at age 30 he had the Bible memorized, knew all three of Flavious Joe's works, and loved Thayer and Matthew Henry's works, Milton..... and could he qoute verbitim, all of these works. Not to mention most of the Watchtower publications he actually read, which bothered some of the sleepy hired hands (Not Shepherd, Don't deserve to be called that.). I truly wonder how many elders and elderettes sit down, study for two hours a day, the Word of God. What was your experiences with using the Bible, if no Reasoning book was available?
The Watchtower slams the Catholics, why not Islam?
by punkofnice ingiven that the wbt$ is always ready to insult the catholics and other religions why don't they slam islam in the same way?.
is it because it's not considered 'christian' or do they know that muslims won't take their insults?.
or do they and i just missed it?.
The Watchtower is afraid the Islamic religion would slaughter them, the Christian worldview has been able to take alot of crap, without going postal!. If the WTS thought the Muslims would tolerate Mohammed being called a fake religion (Look up, they would. Countries like Indonesia, Malayasia, Burma, and African countries would slaughter them. Muslims are angry when you try to hand them a Bible, the Fundamental mission workers in Turkey, were getting into trouble by handing out Bibles during their Earthquake mission disaster relief this year. How many JWs were sent to Turkey to help them, by rebuilding homes and kindling fires of love by good deeds? You don't screw with Islam, review the literature and you won't find much about Islamic views, other than their non-Trinity view of the deity.