Family Radio fired Harold Camping, and lost over $200 million dollars (USD) with their "End Time." snow job. I honestly feel bad for Harold Camping, I know he was wrong, but he was zealous and does not want to die. I wonder if Harold is angry at God now? How will Family Radio come out of this mess, they have lost all credibility with their bad bet. When will the Watchtower Society say "Uncle." and stop trying to micro-manage the lives of the JWs? Hal Lindsay "The Late Great Planet Earth." has come down to earth, after his day in the media sun. Now his books don't sell like they use to, people feel a bit cheated by his prophecy reading failure too.
JoinedPosts by AvocadoJake
The Magazine "The Plain Truth." Remember It?
by AvocadoJake indo you remember the magazine and the author of this magazine, any old timers know who the backers were?
i was five years old, when the old man was the editor or author of this religious magazine.
did you ever talk to any of the followers of this movement?
At long last - Six Screens of the Watchtower website now Open!
by Incognito inhi everybody.. i've been a long time lurker here (as are sooo many others.
further to following mouthy's thread , i noticed that the 'six screens' website is finally shown as being able to be 'checked out'.. i believe minimus first posted about this some months back.
some here have been waiting & asking about it ever since..
Rick, if you are a controllling part of this show, you need to be accountable for what goes on after-hours. What would Steven Jobs have said, "Don't call me after I leave the office, I am off work." It's your show, your radio content and you will be guilty by assocation, so watch out! Do you think Rush Limbaugh would allow ramblings on his show? He would not have a $600 million dollar, 7 year contract if he did!
" The telephone lines will be open for anyone around the world who would like to speak up and talk about their experiences in The Watchtower....... Please do not hold me responsible for what takes place in the after hours."
The New Elder School, Did It Really Help Teach You Something Helpful?
by AvocadoJake inthe new elder school, appears to be a major flop and a waste of time for the society, the more i research it.
it appears much of the information the elders learned, went in one ear out the other, a failure to implent it.
if you attended this school, have you notice these newly "fired up and full of zeal brothers eager to help?.
Qoutes from the new elder school.
1. " You are here to serve the flock, guard them, make sure they are spiritually feed."
2. " If you are here for having your back slapped, enjoying praise from the brothers and sisters. Step down now."
3. " Love, Love, Love, if you don't have Love, you need to find a new religion."
4. " Learn to use the big Reference Bible, learn what those little letters in a scripture, cross refference, more information."
5. " The Sheep won't go out in field service, if you don't, take the lead, teach the sheep how to preach, sharpen their skills."
6. "Don't wait a year to check on a "fader." , time is against you, show love and find the lost sheep."
Now how has the school proved to be good for your Kingdom Hall? Do you feel the love, do you feel the bond?
Six Screens YouTube channel tops 1 million views !
by koolaid-man inthe six screens of the watchtower has crossed the threshold of 1 million uploaded views on youtube.
how encouraging it is that what we set out to do is working..... helping active jehovah's witnesses find out what the watchtower organization is hiding behind.. youtube is a major thorn in the watchtowers side.
it is a powerful weapon for "the apostates" in exposing the evils of this dangerous and destructive cult.. we applaud all of our fellow soilders in uploading your videos to youtube as the some total of all of our efforts continue to help hurting jws.. .
There are services you can purchase that will inflate your numbers for "YouTube." Blogger, or any service that guages web traffic. Rick did you pay $500 USD to have the computers pump and promote your site? Try "Boiler Room." web traffic Inc.
Counter intellegence plan is in effect. Proof.
by strymeckirules in
this article proves that there are and have been certain posters that show up to spew propaganda.. we knew this was a possiblility, but now it is documented in the media.
this is happening now.. all our favorite avid posters are probably involved.. so now that we know they are here, we can call them on it.. let see how many come and make a reply to this.. .
There is nothing new under the Sun." How many people on JWN have multipule accounts, have you caught people talking to themselves here? What was the clue they were dissemenating misinformation or propaganda?
Stephen Hawkings and Richard Dawkins attend the Jehovah's witnesses two-day assembly program at London Edgware assembly hall
by mankkeli in
Mankeli might have inhaled something of a herbal substance, he might be seeing things, hearing voices that told him, Dawkins and Hawkings were guest speakers for the British witnesses. Ask your Chemist to provide you with something to bring you back to earth.
How did it feel to be loved by True Christians at the Kingdom Hall?
by AvocadoJake inthe love practiced by those in the kingdom hall, how can we describe it?
there are so many (yeah, there are quite a few who have intense hatred and not love.
) witnesses who hate each other, families who call down evil on each other, they wish their mother, father, brothers and sisters, aunts, uncles, grandkids, nephews, nieces were dead.
What kind of love is the Watchtower Society talking about? There is a book, just finished reading about the first five hundred years of the Christian Church and why it survived, while the Roman religion failed. Why was this? Love, kindess, compassion, mercy, self-sacrifice.
My dates will be off, not by much, if you won't exact dates, wiki them.
275 AD The great plague rips through Alexandria and other providences which bring death and destroys a huge number of the population. Christians don't flee the way the pagans have, the Christians stay (Not afraid of death, feeling they must help, show unconditional love.) and nurse their own back to health (When the plague does not kill them.) as well as the non-christians whose family ran off at first sign of illness. Some being thrown into the streets! The christians find these and bring them to their make shift, nursing home. This puts the Roman priest and family members (Those who abandoned them, when they were sick.) in a very bad position(Just think how they felt, when they came back to the city to find their Father, Sister or children alive, angry and a feeling of betrayal.) and causes many sick ones to adopt the Christian worldview, and adopt love and charity and kindness.
350 AD More plagues rip across the Roman empire and Christians are there to nurse the poor, elderly and those who don't belong to the Church. This continues to push the Church way beyond the Roman religion's numbers. Where were the roman priest, when their followers were sick and dying? The christians were there, practicing charity and love.
400+AD Emperor Julian forces the pagan priest to donate money to the poor, "they need to try to display mercy, generosity and community devotion, the way the "cult of Christ." is winning the masses over. To the Romans, this is a odd concept, what will they gain by giving their money away, their view is this "the gods help those who help themself, the gods are punishing the poor, and altruism is insane! Why should we give? Charity and compassion are considered a weakness in this society and Christians are the whackos who are doing good works and feeding the poor, widows, orphans, ect. We all know the rest of the story, those who showed love and kindess, conquered the World!
Stephen Hawkings and Richard Dawkins attend the Jehovah's witnesses two-day assembly program at London Edgware assembly hall
by mankkeli in
I should have known this hype was bullshit, Manee should guest star on "Six Screens Of the Watchtower." and Rick and interview him about his vision of Dr. Hawkings and Dr. Dawkins. Is there a "Ignore." button on this site?
The pedophile database
by JRK ini know that years ago there were 23,700+ pedophiles listed in a database in brooklyn by the society.
it has to be many more by now.. do you think there will ever be a defector in the watchtower it department that will release it to the media?
do you think that someone will hack it and release the information?
Was Bill Bowen and Barbara Anderson disfellowshiped for whistle blowing (checking the elders, checking the W.T.S. in the spirit of Revelation 2.) and did they try to fight the decission by the W.T.S.?
How did it feel to be loved by True Christians at the Kingdom Hall?
by AvocadoJake inthe love practiced by those in the kingdom hall, how can we describe it?
there are so many (yeah, there are quite a few who have intense hatred and not love.
) witnesses who hate each other, families who call down evil on each other, they wish their mother, father, brothers and sisters, aunts, uncles, grandkids, nephews, nieces were dead.
The love practiced by those in the Kingdom Hall, how can we describe it? There are so many (yeah, there are quite a few who have intense hatred and not love.) witnesses who hate each other, families who call down evil on each other, they wish their mother, father, brothers and sisters, Aunts, Uncles, grandkids, nephews, nieces were dead. When those speaking on behalf of the WTS would bring out how "Have you ever felt so much love, look around you! See how your brothers and sisters love you so much, they would die for you in a heart beat." I just shook my head, and would think "Is there something wrong with me, I don't feel this intense, transcendental love from the brotherhood. Hey, most don't even greet new ones, they stand in place or anchor themselves to the wall. There are brothers and sisters in the Hall, I might have said ten words to, in twenty years. How can this be love, when we don't even know anything about each other?" What kind of love were they talking about, and what was I suppose to feel? John 13:34
34 So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. 35 Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” Next Scripture 1 John 2:7- 11
A New Commandment
7 Dear friends, I am not writing a new commandment for you; rather it is an old one you have had from the very beginning. This old commandment—to love one another—is the same message you heard before. 8 Yet it is also new. Jesus lived the truth of this commandment, and you also are living it. For the darkness is disappearing, and the true light is already shining.
9 If anyone claims, “I am living in the light,” but hates a Christian brother or sister, [a] that person is still living in darkness. 10 Anyone who loves another brother or sister [b] is living in the light and does not cause others to stumble. 11 But anyone who hates another brother or sister is still living and walking in darkness. Such a person does not know the way to go, having been blinded by the darkness.
2 John : " 4 How happy I was to meet some of your children and find them living according to the truth, just as the Father commanded.
5 I am writing to remind you, dear friends, [c] that we should love one another. This is not a new commandment, but one we have had from the beginning. 6 Love means doing what God has commanded us, and he has commanded us to love one another, just as you heard from the beginning.
If we don't obey the commandment to love one another, we turn back to 1 John 2:
3 And we can be sure that we know him if we obey his commandments. 4 If someone claims, “I know God,” but doesn’t obey God’s commandments, that person is a liar and is not living in the truth. 5 But those who obey God’s word truly show how completely they love him. That is how we know we are living in him. 6 Those who say they live in God should live their lives as Jesus did.