Additional forms of "Hospitality." can be see by the way the COs are treated like little stars, in the circuits by their Sheep. The Sheep will take them out to nice lunches, even if they usually can't afford to dine out. With the preceived time constraints, the COs tight schedules, don't really permit them to eat at the publisher's houses often. The Faithful Slave has made the provision to simplify our lives by telling us to "Bring your own lunch when you Pioneer, attend circuit assemblies, district assemblies." one thing but how is the CO making our life simple? It truly is something to see brothers offering them "Time Shares, Vaction Rentals, Cruises, Paid for International Assembly packages." many benefits for their hard work. Don't forget the special diets "expensive fish, filet mignon, low fat veal." these humble servants of Jesus need.
JoinedPosts by AvocadoJake
by NCO inhad to meet my parents not too long ago for some family business and while working out the time for that sunday, they said they had the meeting and then following the meeting they had "hospitality" for an hour or so.. now i've been out for going on 20 years and somewhat out of the loop.
needless to say i've never heard of that.
i've been to other churches where they have the sanctuary and then the fellowship hall where the members go and eat after the service.
Anthony Flew's conversion has vexed not a few, his change of view, has brought on name calling (He has gone insane, he is senile.) and bewildered quite a few individuals. Francis Collins is suppose to be a deist, Collins a brilliant scientist (Genome Team Leader.) wrote "The God Code?".
New CO talk: Be loyal to Org. even if you get weird instructions or can prove them wrong doctrinally!
by sir82 intheme was something about "loyalty to jehovah's visible organization".. i have neither the time nor inclination to summarize the whole thing, but a few points stood out:.
even if it causes you personal hardship.
example: joshua & caleb returned from spy trip to promised land with good report, but were "outvoted" by the other 10 spies.
Harold Camping finally opened his mouth to his devout and loyal sheep with some lame excuse. He still won't admit he is wrong (Notice that God mislead him, notice his words carefully in the interview, it's not his fault!) , does this sound familiar to you, or should his followers obey even though they feel lost? Has the Watchtower ever apologized for their erroneous dating of Jesus Christ's return or did they dart from the issue? Did they apologize for their new light which allowed "organ transplants, blood fractions." and who knows what else will be allowed.
How was the singing in your congro?
by karter inmine as best abysmal.. we had brother ..i can't sing in tune but will sing louder than anyone else.. sister trained opera voice that sang a note or 3 above everyone else.. the rest were just down rite dreadfull..
With the advent of the new song book, it's quite strange indeed, nobody knows the songs. The music is outright horrible, very dreadful and I am still confused why they changed the song book? JWs look at each other, giggle they can't follow the lyrics, and laugh few can keep a note. The new book and music was suppose to be refreshing? Am I the only one who thinks the music is not joyfull or devoid of any nice melody? Why did they change songs we knew, songs that sounded pretty and songs that had a rythm? Just my humble opinion.
by NCO inhad to meet my parents not too long ago for some family business and while working out the time for that sunday, they said they had the meeting and then following the meeting they had "hospitality" for an hour or so.. now i've been out for going on 20 years and somewhat out of the loop.
needless to say i've never heard of that.
i've been to other churches where they have the sanctuary and then the fellowship hall where the members go and eat after the service.
Kingdom Hall has "Book Study." overseers.
1. Book Study overseers have a percentage of publishers under their supervision, whether the Overseer wan't it or not.
2. The Public Speaker is offered a meal after the meeting, which is assigned by a different book study group each week. Since most of the JWs in their book study, rarely get together, this is a good time to talk to people away from the Kingdom Hall. You are able to praise the speaker (even if his talk was stale, not refreshing or loaded with his own agenda.) and his wife, while enjoying fellowship with those who accept your invitation to lunch, dinner. Often it is a Ministerial Servant who ends up taking the speaker, to take the burden off the elders. The policy of "Hospitality." looks good on theory but often is not implemented or is carried out begrudgingly. There is a elderette who hated this provision, use to drive her nutts having to take five or six people out to dinner. The speaker would bring a chain gang from his Hall, the elderette's husband would invite them all, and pick up the tab! $120 Poof! up in Smoke. Oh how she was mad!
"Craiglist." Robbery and Killing Scam, Watch Out!
by AvocadoJake indear friends, watch out with craigslist, i personally have not had any problems but you never know.
here is a story about men getting killed by some horrible people, they are promising a nice farm job...
Dear Friends, watch out with Craigslist, I personally have not had any problems but you never know. Here is a story about men getting killed by some horrible people, they are promising a nice farm job..
Who would you have Lunch With? From JWN?
by AvocadoJake inthe last few years "warren buffet.
" has donated his time to the highest bidder for charity.
the ebay auction usually goes for $100,000 to spend lunch-time and pick his brain on his view.
The last few years "Warren Buffet." has donated his time to the highest bidder for charity. The Ebay auction usually goes for $100,000 to spend lunch-time and pick his brain on his view. Who would you want to have lunch with, the scholar or wild women or man from JW Net?
I would pick Marvin, Leoliia or Blondie.
PAT ROBERTSON "Pat Robertson Asks If Mac And Cheese Is a 'Black Thing;' Raises Storm of Comments
by AvocadoJake in
pat gives his blessings to divorce your mate if they become sick.
"just make sure they are cared for, go ahead and date another man or women.".
Hi Alfred, will watch where I post, counsel appreacted :) !
PAT ROBERTSON "Pat Robertson Asks If Mac And Cheese Is a 'Black Thing;' Raises Storm of Comments
by AvocadoJake in
pat gives his blessings to divorce your mate if they become sick.
"just make sure they are cared for, go ahead and date another man or women.".
Pat gives his blessings to divorce your mate if they become sick. "Just make sure they are cared for, go ahead and date another man or women."
Later! Last post!
Six Screens YouTube channel tops 1 million views !
by koolaid-man inthe six screens of the watchtower has crossed the threshold of 1 million uploaded views on youtube.
how encouraging it is that what we set out to do is working..... helping active jehovah's witnesses find out what the watchtower organization is hiding behind.. youtube is a major thorn in the watchtowers side.
it is a powerful weapon for "the apostates" in exposing the evils of this dangerous and destructive cult.. we applaud all of our fellow soilders in uploading your videos to youtube as the some total of all of our efforts continue to help hurting jws.. .
Rick, have you had Bill Bowen or Barbara Anderson on your show? When are you going to have Greg Stafford back, he was brilliant and fun. Can you get him back on? Good Day! One more thing, Rick what was your grievance against the W.T.S. based on, did you leave or were you DF'ed? Was it a moral reason, "the pedophiles in the Halls?" or something else?