JoinedTopics Started by AvocadoJake
I worry about you all, regarding the promotion of "Steven Hassan's." book. Why?
by AvocadoJake indear brothers and sisters, .
i worry about you jumping on steven hassan's ideas which are not new, in fact, after reading a good chunk of his book today, nothing he has written is fresh and new to the psychology world.
so far, i have been cautious about revealing who or what schooling and background i have.
What Is the longest Prayer (Meeting, Circuit Assymbly, District, Internation.) You have endured?
by AvocadoJake inplace los angeles dodger stadium temperature 97-100 degrees.
prayer lenght 25 minutes of pain!.
The "Generation." what is the latest New Light Regarding It? CO from Fresno Area Confused Me!
by AvocadoJake inthe co who is covering the central valley, mentioned how easy this concept is to understand.
in his talk, he said many of the friends had made a "big deal, over little.
he used the "titanic analogy, used the space shuttle analogy.
"Craiglist." Robbery and Killing Scam, Watch Out!
by AvocadoJake indear friends, watch out with craigslist, i personally have not had any problems but you never know.
here is a story about men getting killed by some horrible people, they are promising a nice farm job... http://news.yahoo.com/suspected-craigslist-toll-now-3-dead-1-wounded-180033217.html.
Who would you have Lunch With? From JWN?
by AvocadoJake inthe last few years "warren buffet.
" has donated his time to the highest bidder for charity.
the ebay auction usually goes for $100,000 to spend lunch-time and pick his brain on his view.
PAT ROBERTSON "Pat Robertson Asks If Mac And Cheese Is a 'Black Thing;' Raises Storm of Comments
by AvocadoJake inhttp://global.christianpost.com/news/pat-robertson-asks-if-mac-and-cheese-is-a-black-thing-raises-storm-of-comments-62941/.
pat gives his blessings to divorce your mate if they become sick.
"just make sure they are cared for, go ahead and date another man or women.".
How did it feel to be loved by True Christians at the Kingdom Hall?
by AvocadoJake inthe love practiced by those in the kingdom hall, how can we describe it?
there are so many (yeah, there are quite a few who have intense hatred and not love.
) witnesses who hate each other, families who call down evil on each other, they wish their mother, father, brothers and sisters, aunts, uncles, grandkids, nephews, nieces were dead.
The Magazine "The Plain Truth." Remember It?
by AvocadoJake indo you remember the magazine and the author of this magazine, any old timers know who the backers were?
i was five years old, when the old man was the editor or author of this religious magazine.
did you ever talk to any of the followers of this movement?
Two Stories Of Real Elder Stalking Other Witnesses. "Sin Sniffers."
by AvocadoJake inbrother d. left his wife for a different women, after twenty six years it was time to call it quits.
brother d serving as an elder, hid the fact he had a girlfriend with benefits.
brother d's best friend, elder (child molester elder x.
A:M Radio Guest talks of "End TImes From The Begining." "CoastoCoastam.com"
by AvocadoJake inthey are talking about the origin of "end time.
" talk, with harold camping , jonestown, heaven's gate, halebop.
a fun radio station with fun subject matter..