I think it is similar to "A man called Steve*..."
Footnote: *names have been changed
As if in a religion of several million people you are studying the WT for the meeting and suddenly think OMG that must be elder Steve in our KH.... Lol.
ah, yes, another shining example of the watchtower’s *unmatched* commitment to rational thought.
forget logic, science, or even basic common sense—just blame that suspiciously cursed handbag for all your troubles!
I think it is similar to "A man called Steve*..."
Footnote: *names have been changed
As if in a religion of several million people you are studying the WT for the meeting and suddenly think OMG that must be elder Steve in our KH.... Lol.
i see there is an opportunity to get involved with research into disfellowshipping aka mandated shunning.. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-art-of-critical-thinking/202502/evaluating-the-effects-of-mandated-shunning?fbclid=iwy2xjawiz45dlehrua2flbqixmqabhuqypaxnuhdb7coi_9byojrfese4mn9z-sz9fqdsgsfjd4vxm2h13q_kha_aem_1g9mbjngxupj6pr-wwp2lq.
I see there is an opportunity to get involved with research into disfellowshipping aka mandated shunning.
not sure who wrote this list a while back but i think it is worth a repeat....to be added to or subtracted from or modified...whatever.. what's wrong with the watchtower.
"overlapping generations" - this teaching makes no sense.
the word used by jesus is in the singular, not plural form.. .
For me it was a few things plus the way I was treated by this "loving organisation" when I was ill and in need of support.
But changes based upon the "light gets brighter" fallacy never made sense to me. Because what WT does is blow out the old flame and introduce a new one. So the light stays as one light. Later on it too will be blown out and replaced with another leaving with the same amount of light. Except for the personal realisation (💡lightbulb moment?) that for all of this new light, they are all in darkness really.
this was one of the craziest things i remember about the summer conventions.
i would go into the sister's bathrooms and the mirrors would all be taped up with brown paper so that we couldn't look at our reflections.
were were amish or something?
I just asked my wife about this. She said that in all the assemblies she attended in the UK and Ireland she never saw mirrors covered up in the ladies facilities.
Mind you she did say that there were often long queues for the wash hand basins because young lassies were spending ages in front of the mirrors putting on their cosmetic warpaint in the mornings, before going out hunting for suitable single brothers. Lol.
the last assembly i attended was over 10 years ago.
the monotone speakers, boring talks, uncomfortable seats, long prayers and nodding off after the lunch break did me in.
i survived the morning sessions, but the afternoon sessions were brutal.
Isn't the very idea of conventions an American concept like the Democrats National Convention currently taking place in the USA?
It's an opportunity for people to pat themselves on the back and say how wonderful they are, it's nothing more than a self-appreciation society.
i came across this in a psychology magazine i was reading and seeing the left-hand list i immediately thought it was a fair description of my former jw congregation.
I came across this in a psychology magazine I was reading and seeing the left-hand list I immediately thought it was a fair description of my former JW congregation.
bbc news - catholic church apologises to survivor of sex abuse.https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c2e400rzygzo
if you have not seen this already it is well worth a watch.. brutally traumatic and captures very well one of the biggest issues in this cult.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndapjdzj0ss.
I knew of one committee where the chairman pointed to an empty chair in the room and actually said to everyone present "That chair is for Jesus the head of the congregation who is sitting in it invisibly". As one of the other elders on that committee I had never been on one with this brother before, and can remember thinking what planet is this brother on. It didn't get any better believe me. It was an embarrassment to be there.
Need we say more...
the full report is here.. https://www.abuseincare.org.nz/.
the jw case study is here.. https://www.abuseincare.org.nz/reports/whanaketia/case-studies/case-study-jehovahs-witnesses/executive-summary/.
you can read it in full from these links.