The Star,
Please listen to the eperienced ones. We all feel like writing the Society and telling them exactly how we feel and tell them all about their lies, deceptions and plain illegal stuff they have done.
Truth is they already know they are a buch of crooks. they know about all the innocent people who have died on account of their rules and regulations. They DON'T GIVE A SHIT about you and me. They are a business wanting to survive. Writing a DA letter will achieve NOTHING except give them ammunition to demonise you and possibly destroy your family. To the the Society comes first destroying a family is a small sacrifice. I was told to leave my wife, by elder T, when it looked like she might endanger by spirituality (my association with the Witchtower)
Do NOTHING until you have had lots of time to THINK.
Save your relationship with your husband.
We walked away together 6 years ago and they leave us alone. We are not DAed or DFed they just shun us because we stopped going to meetings. Recently the witnessing group knocked on our door. I told them we go to a different Hall now because of the way they treated us 6 years ago for simply marrying with getting the elder permission. They tried to DF us but I stood up to them and won using their own publications and the bible.
90% of the congo still shun us because elder T says so.
They don't play fair so don't play their game. If they want to talk to you, tell them to speak to the head of the family, your husband.
Refuse to meet with them without your husband. Tell them NOTHING except you are depressed and need time to get yourself together.
DO NOT DA yourseld it is exactly the same as being DFed.
FADE AWAY slowly, there is no easy way out of the Witchtower it is worse than leaving the Mafia.
And you will know the truth and the REAL truth will set you free.