JoinedTopics Started by Carol1111
Should I get babtized?
by BlackWolf ini know this sounds like a ridiculous question but i was talking with my mom in the car today and of course we got on the topic of getting babtized again.
she told me that jehovah holds me accountable for my sins regardless of wether i am babtized or not so i have no reason to be holding back because it won't change anything.
my parents are the type of super strict jw who will shun you just for not being a witness.
Apathy trolley chat
by punkofnice ini was in a different city this weekend so i decided to natter to 2 bored jws on the apathy trolley.i just nattered, nothing thought provoking or anti witness.
i was waiting for someone so hard time to spare.what struck me was, that no matter how many times i said that i don't believe in god, they spoke to me as if i did.
they kept asking me how god would feel about stuff.
Finding time
by Jordandemm inis it possible to full time pioneer while working a full time job without making up the hours?
i know of a brother who recently got married too a pioneer the guy was really desperate to get married because his wife despite her many 'spiritual credentials' has very few christ-like qualities unfortunately, anyway that's besides the point.
he is a pioneer now and i'm sure he will be a ms soon the organisation likes that type of stuff the 'pioneer couple' so it shouldn't come as a surprise.
Bible code
by Carol1111 inwhat do you think of this?.
genuine question.
First Born Syndrom? -
by elderINewton inis it just me or does it seem like a large portion of first born children leave the "truth" or find ttatt?
its weird for me, but of all the other people out i know (only about 20 ish) they are all first borns, and usually the wife is as well.
just looking at this from a different lens and curious if others see the same.
New way to fade?
by dothemath ina brother in a local congregation has successfully faded, no announcements or judicial hearings that anyone has heard of.. his immediate family are all out, but they have lots of family still in.. if he had joined another religion, or the army, or put up christmas lights, likely the elders would be hounding them like crazy.. but no, he has accepted evolution(it seems to be common knowledge).. i would have thought this would be a disfellowshipping offense, but lots of time has passed, and they just leave them all alone..
The Demons were messing with me last night!
by olongapo joe inso said my pops one morning.
we were visiting my sister in eastern tennessee and the night before after everyone else went to bed pops was watching tv when all of a sudden and completely on it's own the tv changed to the tonight show, holy smokes!!
must be demons cause pops didn't change it!
Do People Have Spirits? What Do the Early Texts Say?
by Cold Steel infor years adventist sects, including the jws, have believed that the dead sleep at death and remain non-existent until the resurrection.
its strongest argument seems to be text in the non-escchatological book of ecclesiastes in the old testament.
although a part of the canon of scripture, the book is not written by a prophet, nor is there any prophecy or recognizable doctrine contained therein.
Swearing on the bible
by Lost and adrift inon the subject of truth.
..... i was always under the impression that one of the reasons jws couldn't do jury duty or go to court etc was that we were not allowed to swear on the bible. in i swear to tell the truth the whole truth etc etc .
What is the alternative to JW?
by Formerbrother ini mean this with all due respect, i would like to hear from genuine people who think jw have it wrong and then what is the truth?.
im not talking about silly little quibbles here and there.. is jehovah real?
the the bible is word?