I guess i do need an organized expression of my faith. I know others speak about christain freedom-but generally that translates into not attending a church, but leading a spiritual life. It has been drilled into my head that christ had an organized religion.
a friend said, that becoming an adult and learing it think for yourself-many people stop going to church. He sort of equated with becoming an adult .. But why? The early christains had congreagtions-why shouldn't we attend somewhere?
Im really mad b/c of the unloving attitude i see in jw's. But i see that among a lot of people. I think one of the problems is being raised as a jw-i was taught to trust my bro and sis and we lead a shelted life. the world is a mixed bag some would hurt u if given the chance, whether u a jw or not.And when i got hurt by the very people that i trusted-what a surpise! I forgot they were human. I never really learned to function as an adult .
My husband , who at first was tolerant of this site-has become weary of it. He is tired of me reading it. he is content to stay as he is-even though he did says he did not agree with everything jw taught.he will not tolerate a spirited discussion, but says i am arguing
I was never a very good jw anyhow. . I was always shooting off my mouth, not submissive, .. I just haven't clearly crossed the line so they could kick me out. But after a read another thread tonight, someone was DA without any notice. they don't seem too interested in us at the monemt. We are no threat to them. Especially me as a woman. I just hate living in a divided household. I wish my hubby and i could get on the same page. he won't allow me to celebrate squat. so i am forced to abide by jw frles on that matter whether i like it or not. I see why it is important to agree on religion.
I can't just walk into another church. I could be seen-and my husband would have a fit.
Edited by - wednesday on 22 November 2002 2:6:47