I have general info only about the case I heard,
I lost Account number and Password to access PACER.
wt says governor and secretary of justice responsible for decreased jw membership
you can save and print all filed documents if you are suscribed to pacer, 7 cents per page.
I have general info only about the case I heard,
I lost Account number and Password to access PACER.
wt says governor and secretary of justice responsible for decreased jw membership
you can save and print all filed documents if you are suscribed to pacer, 7 cents per page.
WT says Governor and Secretary of Justice responsible for DECREASED JW membership
You can save and print all filed documents if you are suscribed to PACER, 7 cents per page.
in my writing class, my teacher has asked us to describe something that we used to treasure but now loathe.
so my paper will be about the district convention.
i need some great words to describe my feelings...boredom just skims the surface...the best adjective gets a free pizza!
is somebody here from germany, or do we all have to learn "english" for.
going to paradise ?
it seems, that the gb decided so !.
funny: "God translates all prayers he receives into Hebrew anyhow"
I didnt know.
Do you know if Fred Franz is directing the translation department up there?
Do you know if he took with him the hi-tec MEPS computer from Brooklyn to do the translation?
Would you get a FASTER response if praying in hebrew? If so
Do you know how do you say in hebrew GOD HELP ME !!!
It could be handy in a 911 situation.
By the way germans should not complaint. the chinese are the last in line, their language is just to diffi-cult, Can you imagine if we all have to learn chinese to go to heaven?
while the watchtower is asset rich, contributions are another matter entirely.
passive-aggressive witnesses are skipping.
meetings and walking past lonely contribution boxes.
The WT legal structure had been redesigned to minimize $ damages.
I think most kh in USA and abroad are onwned by a local registered corporation, local elders being the officials.
Most likely those local corporations are at the same time owned by one of the corporations in Broklyn.
The HQ corporation may liable for damages caused by the local corporation.
HQ may at any time declare all local corporations independent and keep only the most valuable or more convinient for any inmedate or future particular reason.
Trying to maintain a brotherhood may turn out to be burdersome and just about impossible.
Then new light may flash...
i have not read the whole document but could not wait.... high energy magnetic monopole sequestered by u.s. government.
read it yourself at the following link.
Very interesting,
Do you know when the "compilation" of briefings was requested and completed?
i have not read the whole document but could not wait.... high energy magnetic monopole sequestered by u.s. government.
read it yourself at the following link.
June 1, 2004
David Littell, 207-287-2812, [email protected]
(AUGUSTA)?Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Dawn R. Gallagher has approved the construction of Maine?s first wind power project. When fully operational, the project will produce approximately 50 Megawatts of electricity, enough to supply tens of thousands of households. The power will be produced by more than 30 turbines atop towers built along a ridge and plateau of Mars Hill, in northern Maine.
According to Commissioner Gallagher, ?With this project, Maine is taking a significant step to ease our over-reliance on fossil fuels for electrical generation.
?While some fuels pollute less than others, and all power generators are subject to strict environmental controls, there will be emissions nonetheless. Not so with wind. From an air quality standpoint, it truly is ?clean.?
?Even better, it?s ?renewable.? Fossil fuels are finite commodities, and we see today how diminishing supply affects energy costs. Adding wind power to the generation mix will make us less susceptible to market pressures. It also will help slow the depletion of irreplaceable natural resources.?
Evergreen Windpower, LLC and the Town of Mars Hill submitted the project for state review. As approved, it will cover nearly 116 acres and include road upgrades, underground and overhead lines, a sub station and a switching station, and a maintenance facility. Maximum combined height of a tower and a turbine will be approximately 389 feet. Although there is no evidence to suggest that the project will interfere with bird migration, DEP is requiring post-construction monitoring to ensure minimum environmental impact.
i have not read the whole document but could not wait.... high energy magnetic monopole sequestered by u.s. government.
read it yourself at the following link.
Probably i did not followed you when you said :"So many people talking about free energy... yet none of them are running their house or car on all of the many "promising" technologies. "
Fuel cell could be considered a "promising" "free energy" technology...But "f ree energy" may not be the best term to use
As far i as rembember there are places in usa (california) where energy is being generated out of "thin air" using "wind mills". If i remember well, even for commercial use.
Then you have sunlight tracking "solar panels", photovoltaic.
Right now i just came across this site
which list some "free energy" projects.
Problem is most i;ndividuals have limits. They dont have the time, "energy", knowledge or access to affordable parts to build any machine to produce "free": electricity. Count me as having at least 3 of the above limitations..
Besides, do you think the world economy and politics, as it stand today, will tolerate "free energy" generation by anyone? What do you think could be the result? Really,
dr. eugene mallove, torch bearer for cold fusion, slain.
I don't know...
Can you see an option to click when you wanto to initiate a topic out of the main page?I
It seems hard finding an option to initiate a topic in any page...
When you initiate a thread no prompt comes up to force you to choose
a section where you want your new thread to appear.
Is there a way to 'send' the thread to the right section
i have not read the whole document but could not wait.... high energy magnetic monopole sequestered by u.s. government.
read it yourself at the following link.
I am not sure that, as you said, "none of them are running their house or car on all of the many "promising" technologies". Some bits below
As i mentioned several month ago, Fuel cell have beenn powering space vehicles for decades. Fuel cell mainly use Hydrogen as the source of energy.
You can use fuel cell to power your cell phone... instead of recharging battery
A submarine out of Germany works on Fuel Cell
Ford motors made a H2ICE (Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine) car... It is the same old engine but the fuel is different. I you had the right equipment, you could produce the fuel at home, for a couple of hundred k$ you can buy the whole "kit", car and hydrogen generator..No pollution, hydrogen should be cheap to produce or extract from water (= H2O).
The energy issue is not going to cool off any time soon... At the present time Iraq is still burning.
About energy,
Regarding free energy, and without thinking too much about how it works, think about a water fall, wind, the sun and a permanent magnet and see if you can find anything in common among them.
As a kid, did you play with magnets?, Were the ENERGY to pull or atract objects came from?
The problem, IMHO, it is not just finding a better energy source, BUT what geopolitical implications it will have if implemented. Turning an oil depedent world into an X ("free"?) (hydrogen?) dependent world automatically turn the issue from an economic (BIG implications) to a political issue that world leaders are not prepare to handle..