listen to this echo here, no one is totally wrong.
MA said:
I still think that the circumstantial evidence points to "a plan". Who had the original idea and when, or when did the GB sign on, I don't know. BUT, at some point this became GB sanctioned strategy to sacrifice religious principle for marketing purposes
one said:
I agree with you 99%, it was a plan.
It all started when Fred Franz was losing power due to age. All his predictions did not come true and they became more realistic. Economic and politics was a good game to play then.
Alan F said to MA:
This is a good theory if you assume that WTS leaders have any brains, but they don't. At least, not so's I can see. Rather, they react to events.
and now i say:
a plan can be conceived colletive, (monolithic or framgmented one way or another), or individually. The "brain" does not have to be very efficient, in fact the plan can fail, as it happens in many cases, due to lack of "brains".