My two cents, a quick sociological opinion
Very few women have any idea about the meaning of the word SYN, even technically inclined men dont know.
That should tell you something.
His/her 'consistant' writting style IS NOT typical of women., it's not an important question but i was wondering if "syn" the poster is male or female?
hmm...i also suspect he/she isn't 20 years old as he/she has claimed.
so, what's the story syn?
My two cents, a quick sociological opinion
Very few women have any idea about the meaning of the word SYN, even technically inclined men dont know.
That should tell you something.
His/her 'consistant' writting style IS NOT typical of women.
does anyone still have thier old "aid book"-.
i need a small quote: it is either under divorce or homosexuality-.
it is pre-1988 revision of the grounds for divorce.
i wonder who were they trying to protect with the "new light". Or what "incidents" were they trying to water down or cover up with the "new light".
As you know "law maker" make laws just to achive or prevent a particular objective. Do lobbyst have anything to do with this?
i would appreciate any input from residents of other nations for this homework assignment, as well as americans.. what do members of other nations really think about america, compared with what we percieve them as thinking?.
please help, assignment due tomorrow!.
global opinion balance= negative
Go travel and get to know people, cultures and find out.
My country right or wrong. Only ignorant (within context) people talk that way.
love is the answer? no, first
Education is the answer...
You can not love without education. Of course I may have a 'love' feeling and still be ignorant.
Humanistic and "unconditional love" can only be fully developed with knowledge.
More education less belligerent, more pacifist...
you are a bitch.. when asked 'is something bothering you?
' reply 'no' then get pissed off when you are believed.. become attracted to someone because he is outgoing and loves parties, start dating him, and immediately expect him to stop this behavior... always take an hour longer than promised to prepare for the evening.. always hide very important events in very unimportant terms so you can have something to be pissed about when your boyfriend declines because he has pressing business, i.e.
you say 'it's no big deal, but i was wondering if you would like to visit my parents with me if you are not busy this weekend.
yes that is what i said, as you know jw women are not even allow to talk or ask too many question. "Ask your husband" so the bible says.
Wild T.
Your suggestiion does not do any justice to women statistically speaking."own one", they outnumber men, (another fact) so what about the rest? or did you mean "at least one"
you are a bitch.. when asked 'is something bothering you?
' reply 'no' then get pissed off when you are believed.. become attracted to someone because he is outgoing and loves parties, start dating him, and immediately expect him to stop this behavior... always take an hour longer than promised to prepare for the evening.. always hide very important events in very unimportant terms so you can have something to be pissed about when your boyfriend declines because he has pressing business, i.e.
you say 'it's no big deal, but i was wondering if you would like to visit my parents with me if you are not busy this weekend.
hell! (kiding)
yes facts!
wheter i agree or not that is something else.
But if you dont agree the MEN from Brooklyn are comming after you.
i've just been looking back over some of the old posts and remembering some of the people we have had on the forum, been friends with and now miss.. one of the down-sides of running a place like this is that it becomes harder and harder to really 'get to know' many of the new ones like it was at first and i'm often working on the system and seeing so many names that they sometimes almost become a blur.
sometimes i see a post by a name i don't recognise and they've already made 100+ or so posts !.
many people are bound to move on eventually (although we're lucky to have a good bunch of 'regulars') and it's unfortunate that some are put off posting by personality clashes (possibly mine!
Do you remember "MIERDA" or something like that. His father was a missionary and he just run way from the country as a very young man.
He had some very interesting stories to tell, Some scaring, real, stories too..
Before leaving he metioned he was going for a college degree, good for him.
This board moves fast, if you dont have the time you have to step aside and forget about the whole thing.
But it is difficult to KISS, right Simon?.But you'll get there...
i've just been looking back over some of the old posts and remembering some of the people we have had on the forum, been friends with and now miss.. one of the down-sides of running a place like this is that it becomes harder and harder to really 'get to know' many of the new ones like it was at first and i'm often working on the system and seeing so many names that they sometimes almost become a blur.
sometimes i see a post by a name i don't recognise and they've already made 100+ or so posts !.
many people are bound to move on eventually (although we're lucky to have a good bunch of 'regulars') and it's unfortunate that some are put off posting by personality clashes (possibly mine!
YOU ARE RIGHT. What people need is support.
My previous post do not go againt your position..
I think you still can have the best of both worlds if you keep and maintain the difference.
Nothing wrong with fluff per se. You'll have audience for each, depending on the position of the learning/leaving curve we are.
We have tabloid papers everywhere AND and the kind of papers such as London Times paper,
Many times both papers are owned by the same corp. They recoginized the difference in audicience and they want to help/please (and profi)t from all of them.
Sorry but another site (yours) relevant example is WATCHTOWER and AWAKE and that is ok, keeping thing separate.
Eited by - one on 22 June 2002 19:43:17</P>
Edited by - one on 22 June 2002 19:54:53
i've just been looking back over some of the old posts and remembering some of the people we have had on the forum, been friends with and now miss.. one of the down-sides of running a place like this is that it becomes harder and harder to really 'get to know' many of the new ones like it was at first and i'm often working on the system and seeing so many names that they sometimes almost become a blur.
sometimes i see a post by a name i don't recognise and they've already made 100+ or so posts !.
many people are bound to move on eventually (although we're lucky to have a good bunch of 'regulars') and it's unfortunate that some are put off posting by personality clashes (possibly mine!
You should have a section just for SERIOUS WT and related sutff.
You will have slow traffic on that section.
I mean you just cant mix everybody on the same pot. It does not work.
As it is now you have scan a 1000 topics to find one it is interesting to you. Too may "FLUFF" TOPICS on the way.
Good serious poster eveuntually get turn off by so much fluff being posted. Fluff, garbage etc have its own place, dont mix it.
you are a bitch.. when asked 'is something bothering you?
' reply 'no' then get pissed off when you are believed.. become attracted to someone because he is outgoing and loves parties, start dating him, and immediately expect him to stop this behavior... always take an hour longer than promised to prepare for the evening.. always hide very important events in very unimportant terms so you can have something to be pissed about when your boyfriend declines because he has pressing business, i.e.
you say 'it's no big deal, but i was wondering if you would like to visit my parents with me if you are not busy this weekend.
WT view point on this?
Seem they take women's seriously. Striping them of any power...
They have God's support.
Genesis 3:16 "Your desire will be for your husband,
and he will rule over you." I she is single the GB will make sure...
A long time ago women started a silent revolution with counterproductive results, so far.
hey women i love you all, i am just stating some facts, ok? please.
Edited by - one on 22 June 2002 20:27:46
just a question.
actually a friend of mine, alex, (who hopefully might read this and commence posting on this board) has been insisting for 20 years that women are naturally bi sexual.
i laughed at his claims.. but now, looking around here, and based on numerous group chats ive had with women on this site, there seems to be some evidence that his theory is correct.
I dont know.
But they really pay too much attention to each other.
Again I dont know