Think harder, or at least for more than 13 minutes and you might change or find an answer to your
latest repply
Edited by - one on 3 August 2002 18:22:13
Think harder, or at least for more than 13 minutes and you might change or find an answer to your
latest repply
Edited by - one on 3 August 2002 18:22:13
This topic is one more tacit suggestion to keep things separated.
Can we have more than one (1) ACTIVE button.?
ACTIVE NO FLUFF (or whatever, you name it).
Everyone will be happy having that option. Even happier if the user could customize ACTIVE buttons.(search)
As you can see some seriuous topics become "INACTIVE" mainly because the ACTIVE flluff makes it go out of sight.
I understand it is hard to KIS, take your time...
i am shocked and outraged by the recent actions of the watchtower society to silence child advocates who's only agenda is to stop the rape and molestation of jehovah's witness children and protect them from the known pedophiles operating within the organization.
those in the organization who are responsible for these reprehensible actions must be sanctioned.
i sincerely hope that voting members of the watchtower society will insist on the removal of all corporate directors who support the current policies that harm children and protect pedophiles.
"how people stand in their relationship to the Organization, it is this that is the touch-stone that validates or invalidates criticism toward them
."The problem is,
No one, not even Ray could make an important criticism.. that could be validated without negatively effecting his/her "standing".
All significant criticism is invalidated...
As Ray mentioned in the TIME magazine "you can only bend so much". His "standing" was very good initially... the reason he was given the GB position.
Any solution, or alternative approach?
He worked on the two best books ever published by the WT. Aid and James commentary.
something on the song thread that i posted, song by tu pac, got me to thinking about racisim.
why do people discriminate against people that have different color skin?
i understand it is a learned response, but my "elder" father is very racist... and this is how i was raised.. i don't get it.
lack of proper education
just as with most other wrong human actitude
hello everyone more questions as usual, do you think praying ever helped you or was it just like talking to the air, its funny because when i was i jw i did pray a lot and convinced myself it worked,but now i think about it, did it help me or was it what i wanted to believe.i mean i always seemed to say to myself b4 yeh praying really helps me in my life and when things went right 4 me like maybe being regular as a preacher,at meetings,and doing whats was right, i felt my prayers were answered but i think these things happened because i wanted them to be that way not because of praying you know like the placebo see just because you pray 4 something and coincidently it happens does it mean your prayers worked.
"People can feel if you intend them harm, or if you intend them Love. They do not know how they know but they do feel it. "
Nomisterynosecret easy... body language, language, looks, voice tone and particulars, history of the relationship etc etc.
there are thing like magnetism,
which you dont see nor feel but can affect some material bodies without being physically in contact.
On a tangent as usual
Radio Frequency radiation can cook your potatoes at a distance. (microwave oven)
The same frequency used for celullar/pcs, just at a bit higher power... scaring.
the same kind of lawyers that were watching the tobbaco industry is watching the wireless industry.
back to the subject
mix the word below and see what may come up
self conditioning
personal influence or authority over...
eg "if you get the coal order"
i have grown a beard, it is a bait waiting for an elder to bite.... maybe someone will bite during the coming assembly?.
i would like them to sweat finding a scripture to support their view about not growing beards.. caballo sentado
"finding a scripture to support their view about not growing beards."
They wont find any, BUT they dont need any... to do what they think is "appropiate".
Be sure as to what you are trying to accomplish. You may as well be wasting your time trying to reason with them, rocks can't think...
Do as you please dont open your mouth and let them boil.
"is the very fact of their seeming success".
is your statement above a dillemma?
back to the point in a few words state "the dillemma" from the start and then elaborate.
"is the very fact of their seeming success".
Is your statement above a dillemma?
Back to the point in a few words STATE "the dillemma" from the start and then elaborate.
Edited by - one on 23 July 2002 14:34:40
the dilemma facing apostate jehovahs witnesses, or apostate dubs, as i have dubbed them, (no pun intended) is the very fact of their seeming success.
one of the great ironies of the apostate movement, that presumptuously boasts of "know the truth about the truth," is that apostates themselves are bound by the watchtower's own interpretive shortcomings, and hence are massively ignorant of jehovahs judicial decisions regarding his organization.
in that the presumption in operation is that if enough scandal and error can be brought to light regarding the governing body, the watchtower society's teachings, as well as individual jehovah's witnesses, then that somehow means that jehovah's witnesses have no connection with jehovah god.
one more time
what are YOURS/GB/ANNOINTED credetnials?
PLEASE brief
the dilemma facing apostate jehovahs witnesses, or apostate dubs, as i have dubbed them, (no pun intended) is the very fact of their seeming success.
one of the great ironies of the apostate movement, that presumptuously boasts of "know the truth about the truth," is that apostates themselves are bound by the watchtower's own interpretive shortcomings, and hence are massively ignorant of jehovahs judicial decisions regarding his organization.
in that the presumption in operation is that if enough scandal and error can be brought to light regarding the governing body, the watchtower society's teachings, as well as individual jehovah's witnesses, then that somehow means that jehovah's witnesses have no connection with jehovah god.
: Jehovah spoke with Nathan and told him how to handle it
ok but according to wt theology and yourselft Jah does not talk anymore, HE "directs". And do you know who HE is "directing" (not the GB i suppose) Did HE informed you? how?
: The Scriptures are pretty plain that God will use Christ to judge his people.
What about to Christ's brother/sisters on earth?
I thought they were taking care of his/their business... you are one of them. What have you produced?
what is their/your job?
Following your theory/theology then why shun, DF and call apostate to anyone now,? wait for HIM, labeling people as aposates etc is going ahead of Chirst, let him decide....
: It will come down to an individual case-by-case judgment.
ok, What about Russell, Rutherford, Knor, F Franz, the other GB who died in Hawaii the one who joined the UN/WT etc etc.
Rewarded without judgment? They created this mess.
the dilemma facing apostate jehovahs witnesses, or apostate dubs, as i have dubbed them, (no pun intended) is the very fact of their seeming success.
one of the great ironies of the apostate movement, that presumptuously boasts of "know the truth about the truth," is that apostates themselves are bound by the watchtower's own interpretive shortcomings, and hence are massively ignorant of jehovahs judicial decisions regarding his organization.
in that the presumption in operation is that if enough scandal and error can be brought to light regarding the governing body, the watchtower society's teachings, as well as individual jehovah's witnesses, then that somehow means that jehovah's witnesses have no connection with jehovah god.
Of course but please identify them... as a group at least. Specify why AND BE BRIEF please.