Awww the "fine conduct" witness. No doubt a future AWAKE! experience!!!!
"and later while picking up litter along the roadside.....placed ( ) magazines with passing motorists"- "do you use your time wisely?"
you read the title correctly.. my daughter is a prosecutor who right this moment is prosecuting a dui crash with major injuries.
the defendant--the drunk driver--just tried to place an awake magazine with her while both of them were in the courtroom.. .
Awww the "fine conduct" witness. No doubt a future AWAKE! experience!!!!
"and later while picking up litter along the roadside.....placed ( ) magazines with passing motorists"- "do you use your time wisely?"
the watchtower bases their opposition to birthdays by two scriptures, saying something bad happened and god must have put it in there for a reason.
following their logic are there any other things jws shouldnt do because bad things happened in a couple of scriptures?.
JWs should dress like ancient Jews. Sandals & fringe on the bottom of garmets. Long locks and beards. It is a biblical command.
former jehovahs witness turned deacon bids farewell to local catholicsambria hammel | february 28, 2013 | 3 commentsdeacon jim mickens, reacts to words of gratitude from members of phoenixs catholic retreat for young singles group for his years of service.
(ambria hammel/catholic sun).
he was a married deacon who found his calling among catholic singles.
Ambria Hammel | February 28, 2013 | 3 Comments
Deacon Jim Mickens, reacts to words of gratitude from members of Phoenix’s Catholic Retreat for Young Singles group for his years of service. (Ambria Hammel/CATHOLIC SUN)
He was a married deacon who found his calling among Catholic singles. Deacon Jim Mickens, who touched the hearts of many Catholic singles in the Diocese of Phoenix, said farewell Jan. 27. Ongoing health problems forced him and his wife, Janice, to move closer to his wife’s family in Pennsylvania.
“He always promoted that the most important thing in life is the search for Christ, even if that means losing your family, even if that means losing your job,” said Eric Nanneman, who was instrumental in getting the deacon involved with the Catholic Retreat for Young Singles group nine years ago.
Deacon Mickens has no connection with his own family because he chose to follow Christ. When Nanneman learned that the deacon was once a Protestant pastor, he invited him to share his conversion story with the singles group.
“He started at three in the afternoon and finished about 6:30 and nobody left,” Nanneman said.
It’s not every day that Catholics hear how a deacon went from a top-ranking position as a Jehovah’s Witness to a Catholic deacon. Deacon Mickens was raised Jehovah’s Witness and baptized shortly after his father died in 1956. He saw himself as a child of God’s and climbed his way through the ranks as a Jehovah’s Witness ministerial servant in 1971 and an elder 11 years later. Three years after that, he began to question the teachings of the Watchtower bible.
One time, he felt God calling out to him in a tangible way. The deacon remembers a pressure on the back of his head while on the freeway. He temporarily went blind. Then his vision went upside down and was corrected again.
“I remember a voice saying, ‘Do you trust me?’” the deacon said.
It became more intense the second time. He thought of when Jesus confronted Peter and asked, “Do you love me?”
The Jehovah’s Witness elder continued to question things, a taboo, and ultimately spent at least five years on what he referred to as a “wilderness journey.” He resigned in 1987, which meant he was dis-fellowshipped and classified as an agent of Satan. His family considers him dead.
His name would soon become alive again, this time in the Catholic Church. His new friend, Janice, invited him to attend Mass for the first time.
She recalled how Deacon Mickens whispered to her throughout Mass, finding a biblical basis for every part of the liturgy. They continued going to Mass together and Deacon Mickens signed up for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. Janice reluctantly sponsored him.
“I kept envisioning the questions he was going to ask me and I wouldn’t know the answer,” she said.
He was baptized in 1994 and remained hungry for the Truth, so he sought further answers through the diocesan Kino Institute. The couple wed and ultimately went through deaconate formation together in preparation for Deacon Mickens’ ordination 10 years ago.
The deacon spent four years at St. Jerome working in religious education and four at St. Bernadette in Scottsdale. He also regularly served on retreats for Catholic singles, delivered faith talks and hosted four Christmas parties, a balance of celebration and teaching.
CRYS gave him a venue to share his knowledge of the Scriptures, Deacon Mickens said. He made it his goal to teach the young adult Catholics the wealth of their faith.
Local Catholics, who knew Deacon Jim Mickens through his involvement in the Catholic Retreat for Young Singles group, pray over him and his wife Janice as a sign of gratitude for their service and for a safe trip to their new home on the East Coast. (Ambria Hammel/CATHOLIC SUN)
“I was real amazed at how ignorant they were,” he said.
But they were eager to learn.
“You touched us in our heart and you’ve welcomed us into your home,” said Nick Caneppa, a member of the singles group until he got married.
The deacon was adamant that before the first guest left his going away party, he would impart a final group blessing. He affirmed the welcoming spirit of the group and challenged them to make a daily goal to “look for the Lord and the smile of approval that He has for each of you,” he said.
God’s call is a form of service, even if it doesn’t feel like enough, he said.
“And if by chance, a disability should overshadow you,” the deacon said getting choked up, “don’t let it stop you from serving the Lord and serving each other.”
i know this is an odd idea.
maybe it is even silly.. but, i do daydream..... .
what if you were informed that you are disfellowshipped and you flashed a huge smile and said, "nah.".
Terry, your idea is great. I had a co-worker years ago (with a law degree) who got fired at 1:30 pm. He simply went back to his desk and picked up the phone and went back to calling clients. The boss and the office mangager came back to his office to eject him and he held out his hand and said"excuse me..I'm with a client"...they stood outside his office for 30 minutes while the entire office started snickering....the boss didn't know what to do, so he went back to his office and tried the routine 2xs more. The boss was on the phone franticly calling legal...but because of the time zone, they had left for the day.
By 5:30 the entire office was almost on the floor laughing. The fired employee simply packed his briefcase went home and returned at 9 am the next day like nothing had happed. By 8 am legal had told the boss he was a weak idiot and to leave the worker alone.
For the rest of the year the story caused a great amount of laughter at the expense of the boss.
i love it!
relive the 80's my heyday... i love the human elements the kgb agents love story.
the dated technology is a trip.. keri russell is so beautiful and a stone cold killer... .
Great show.
wondering here and would like to get your thoughts.
how do the old-time anointed feel about the new light that they are no longer the fds and only the gb is the fds.
that's quite a change in concept, right?
I only know of one "old time" annointed still alive. If he wasn't in his 90s he would be disfellowshipped for Apostacy. He is not impressed with the current self assuming GB .
All the others died of old age. The last one to die was 99 years old, full time pioneer, very humble and funny.
with all this low price recording equipment miniaturization availible, and the world wide broadcasting utube, we should see a flood of videos showing what goes on durring these special meetings with people who are finding out the truth about the so called "truth".. and while i'm not a legal eagle i would think that some savy apostate may wins some lawsuits with this material or lawyer for that matter finding an interesting case on the net.
well i can only hope on that one because i don't know and haven't explored the idea much.. i'm seeing this already on you tube and think it serves a good purpose to show these kangaroo courts thus bringing into the open view of the public what goes on in a governing body styled judicial committee and show just how nuts these sickos are.. more videos also puts the governing body on alert to tread carefully and to dot thier i's and cross their t's because big brother is watching..
Very old tech: Small Fm transmitter (wireless microphone) wired to the 110 in the elders Library. Will transmit 24/7 on all FM radios within a block. Place behind recepticle or in attic. About $60 or less in parts at any Radio Shack.
Ahhh what would the neighbors think about the elders discussions of sexual proclivities of the friends????????
so i have been a lurker on this forum since its inception.
i registered over a year ago.
i jumped in several months back with a highly controversial subject of my daughter being sexually abused by an elder and the efforts we were taking to bring him to justice.
Thanks Tylin. So sorry for what your family has been through. All too common. The Mrs family was from down your way. Keep up the fight.
hi guys.
i have uploaded the following trailer for a forthcoming series of interview videos....
the interview, which was filmed on 10th february 2013, was based on questions provided by posters from this forum, specifically from this thread.... .
fbi and santa barbara agents arrested michael at the airport.
he is locked up in santa barbara county jail.
he awaits bail hearing and i intend on presenting evidence to revoke his $250,000.00 bail.. thanks to everyone for your encouragement and support!.