Saw this movie mentioned on You tube from an old thread. Seeing if it will post:
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saw this movie mentioned on you tube from an old thread.
seeing if it will post:.
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Saw this movie mentioned on You tube from an old thread. Seeing if it will post:
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check this out on the sundance channel its a movie about a young sister who gets disfellowshipped and her struggle.
in an earlier post i talked about the fact that my wife and i were moving far, far away from the city in which we grew up.
well, the move was successful we're loving our new city and new jobs.
the congregation to which our publishers cards were sent doesnt have our correct home address and as a result no one has knocked on our door (i highly recommend getting a p.o.
At first we simply changed halls 2x. ( Scheduling problems)The cards fall between the cracks when the brothers don't know you. And put up a small picket fence with a luggage lock on the gate. We used the garage door mostly anyway. That discourages 90% of the Saturday AM coffee break calls..because no one IS THAT concerned about you to call at other times.
Caller ID/ Answering machine, or a new phone number.
Don't feel like moving? Change your phone # and put a operator referral on it to a Wallmart pre=paid phone with an out of Area Area Code for $30. A "For sale by owner" sign out front with the listed phone number going to your new Out of area Area Code phone# . An out of Area P.O. Box for $30. In two weeks most EVERYONE will think you moved !!
i was inspired to write the above verbose title after i took a tour of a science museum that offered an indepth display of an egyptian man's life during the late ptolemaic period.
bluntly put, he was worn out and falling apart by his early 30's.
dying before 35 was commonplace as adult life expectancy was very low compared to today.
Watchtower VS Bible = big gap
No mention of masturbation in scriptures. In case of an emmision the man was unclean for the day. - Not Stoned to death.
Shacking up? You broke it- you bought it. You could simply set up housekeeping and be viewed as Married. Not Stoned to Death.
The scriptures went into great depth on clothing, beards, where to poop etc. No mention of sex acts between married couples. FRED Franz's ideas of Porneia are lifted from early Catholic writings "things practiced in houses of prostitution".
Had the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society Governing Body been in charge in Ancient times their would never of been a NATION of Isreal..everyone would have been stoned to death.
my- 2 cents
after almost 2 years of being wrongfully disfellowshipped and over a year after finding this site....i am starting to read crisis of conscience.
i will not lie....i am a bit nervous as to what information i will find in the book.
i have a strong feeling that i will end up crying through most of it as i will start to see the truth about the "truth".
Yes..the Talking ASS !
after almost 2 years of being wrongfully disfellowshipped and over a year after finding this site....i am starting to read crisis of conscience.
i will not lie....i am a bit nervous as to what information i will find in the book.
i have a strong feeling that i will end up crying through most of it as i will start to see the truth about the "truth".
after almost 2 years of being wrongfully disfellowshipped and over a year after finding this site....i am starting to read crisis of conscience.
i will not lie....i am a bit nervous as to what information i will find in the book.
i have a strong feeling that i will end up crying through most of it as i will start to see the truth about the "truth".
Enjoy! It changed my wife in three days. She was struggling with low self esteem and depression, then she read CoC and .. BAM! A thousand lbs came off her shoulders just last month.
Gosh..when I first read it..... I was SOOOOOO a 10 yr old boy hiding a Playboy magazine from Mom. That's embarrasing for a 50 yr old man to admit. The wife found my first copy and tossed it.."Cause we don't need demon trouble". WTBTS mind control.
I just laugh at ourselves now...sometimes with a little shame. I knew Ray Franz. He was a kind, humble, open & generous man. After Spanish, he learned French and served as an elder in a NYC Haitian Congregation - a tough neighborhood. Ray Franz was always open minded and sincere, looking for ways to be more effective in weekend service...I mean HE actually BELIEVED and practiced what he preached. I am ashamed I EVER believed any of the accusations against him. Read the book and enjoy.."the truth will set you free".
can anyone tell me how many farms and facilities the watchtower bible and tract society now owns in the usa?
how many assembly halls?.
kingdom halls?.
Thanks for the article Factfinder.
religion allows us to know the "god of religion".. .
the unabridged gospel/bissar/injeel allows us to know the "god of abraham".. .
know = be intimate with (spiritual union or intercourse).
Funny isn't it. For 50 years I was taught the "Heretics" and "Apostates" who differed from the Catholic Church and were burned at the stake were true persecuted Christians.
All those Wars and revolutions in Europe over Religion and "Apostacy", was an "an earmark of False Religion".
The Puritans who fled to New England to find religious freedom, soon "Shunned" and HUNG those Apostate Quakers!!
Russel should have been glad the the Seventh Day adventists didn't hang HIM as an apostate. And Rutherford should be GLAD the majority of the FATHFULL and DISCREET SLAVE didn't HANG him as an obnoxious apostate, when he decided to grab control of WTB$ assets.
Even Fred Franz was not Disfellowshipped when he declared Russel and Rutherford "were wrong".
But somehow, when 2/3 of "JW"s (Pew study) decide the Governing Body have gone WAY "beyond what is written" in the scriptures, and have inserted themselves into Christ's even the baptism........ WE are the " Mentally diseased Apostates". I think not.
i talked to a dub friend of mine who said they had a new "it's a personal choice, but jehovah will kill you if you do it" article about vasectomies.
basically, the reasoning is supposedly that since jehovah gave us our reproductive organs, tampering with them is wrong if not medically necessary.
An excellent article to share with any commitee. I'sorry, but if any of you brothers have a Vasectomy or crushed testicles, I can't respect your position...........