Posts by Balaamsass

  • confuzzled777

    Starting to read Crisis of Conscience....

    by confuzzled777 in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    after almost 2 years of being wrongfully disfellowshipped and over a year after finding this site....i am starting to read crisis of conscience.

    i will not lie....i am a bit nervous as to what information i will find in the book.

    i have a strong feeling that i will end up crying through most of it as i will start to see the truth about the "truth".

    1. ex360shipper
    2. Londo111
    3. confuzzled777
  • Balaamsass

    Enjoy! It changed my wife in three days. She was struggling with low self esteem and depression, then she read CoC and .. BAM! A thousand lbs came off her shoulders just last month.

    Gosh..when I first read it..... I was SOOOOOO a 10 yr old boy hiding a Playboy magazine from Mom. That's embarrasing for a 50 yr old man to admit. The wife found my first copy and tossed it.."Cause we don't need demon trouble". WTBTS mind control.

    I just laugh at ourselves now...sometimes with a little shame. I knew Ray Franz. He was a kind, humble, open & generous man. After Spanish, he learned French and served as an elder in a NYC Haitian Congregation - a tough neighborhood. Ray Franz was always open minded and sincere, looking for ways to be more effective in weekend service...I mean HE actually BELIEVED and practiced what he preached. I am ashamed I EVER believed any of the accusations against him. Read the book and enjoy.."the truth will set you free".

  • Balaamsass

    How many Facilities & Farms does the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society now own? $

    by Balaamsass in
    1. watchtower
    2. scandals

    can anyone tell me how many farms and facilities the watchtower bible and tract society now owns in the usa?

    how many assembly halls?.

    kingdom halls?.

    1. Balaamsass
    2. Balaamsass
    3. Balaamsass
  • Balaamsass

    Thanks for the article Factfinder.

  • Fernando

    What's your view on who REALLY are the "mentally diseased" apostates?

    by Fernando in
    1. watchtower
    2. bible

    religion allows us to know the "god of religion".. .

    the unabridged gospel/bissar/injeel allows us to know the "god of abraham".. .

    know = be intimate with (spiritual union or intercourse).

    1. Balaamsass
    2. cptkirk
    3. Fernando
  • Balaamsass

    Funny isn't it. For 50 years I was taught the "Heretics" and "Apostates" who differed from the Catholic Church and were burned at the stake were true persecuted Christians.

    All those Wars and revolutions in Europe over Religion and "Apostacy", was an "an earmark of False Religion".

    The Puritans who fled to New England to find religious freedom, soon "Shunned" and HUNG those Apostate Quakers!!

    Russel should have been glad the the Seventh Day adventists didn't hang HIM as an apostate. And Rutherford should be GLAD the majority of the FATHFULL and DISCREET SLAVE didn't HANG him as an obnoxious apostate, when he decided to grab control of WTB$ assets.

    Even Fred Franz was not Disfellowshipped when he declared Russel and Rutherford "were wrong".

    But somehow, when 2/3 of "JW"s (Pew study) decide the Governing Body have gone WAY "beyond what is written" in the scriptures, and have inserted themselves into Christ's even the baptism........ WE are the " Mentally diseased Apostates". I think not.

  • B_Deserter

    Is the WT banning vasectomies?

    by B_Deserter in
    1. watchtower
    2. beliefs

    i talked to a dub friend of mine who said they had a new "it's a personal choice, but jehovah will kill you if you do it" article about vasectomies.

    basically, the reasoning is supposedly that since jehovah gave us our reproductive organs, tampering with them is wrong if not medically necessary.

    1. Balaamsass
    2. ziddina
    3. pof
  • Balaamsass

    An excellent article to share with any commitee. I'sorry, but if any of you brothers have a Vasectomy or crushed testicles, I can't respect your position...........