When you think about it...7 million people running around with a card in their wallet guaranteeing they will sacrifice their life for an organization if they get in accident (No Blood), and that of their children is kind of spooky...... I have known a number of Muslums..never met a radical one in my entire life. Do 7 million radical muslums even exist?
JoinedPosts by Balaamsass
Any updates on the SPY network at the I.R.S., F.B.I., and other agencies for Watchtower Bible and Tract Society?
by Balaamsass incurious, with almost 25,000 members here.
network of j.w.
does anyone have any up to date info on the status of the volunteer "spies"?.
How many Facilities & Farms does the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society now own? $
by Balaamsass incan anyone tell me how many farms and facilities the watchtower bible and tract society now owns in the usa?
how many assembly halls?.
kingdom halls?.
With hundreds of corporations it will be difficult to get exact numbers. However Legal title may not be that important...straining out...knats . It is about CONTROL. If the Society wants a hall they will get it. Look at what happened in Menlo Park Ca. TITLE is not important.
I suppose a Guesstimate will be close enough. How can you put a VALUE on the availability of free skilled labor? How can you put a value on MILLIONS OF FOLLOWERS WILLING TO SACRIFICE THEMSELVES AND THEIR CHILDRENS LIVES FOR YOU ?
Door to door includes churches?
by AuntBee in.
is it still common for jws to go right up to a church to share their message?
one of my fb friends who's a pastor posted today about receiving a visit while he was in his office at his church.. can protestants likewise go up to kingdom halls to call on jws?
I used to call on ministers. Did street work as a kid at the areas biggest Catholic Church on easter -60s. I had a study with a Seminary student for about 4 months. Had the local nuns at the "Nunnery" on my magazine route. Loved to debate with an attorney friend at work who had been a Jesuit seminarian.(We used to go out for Chinese at lunch).
Gosh...I was such a true believer............
What was your most DISTURBING event as an elder ? (Per T.O.S. no full names please).
by Balaamsass ini'll start the ball rolling.
dealing with kids in any type of judicial manner.
i would do everything i could to get parents to "deal with it-kindly" at home.
VERY disturbed by a Rape in an adjoining hall. Young teenage sister told her mother. Mother calls elders (NOT police). A young MARRIED 20 something ministerial servant Confesses to "consensual" sex in the hot tub. As an Elders Son he got private reproof. The minor because she stuck to RAPE story and Not consensual sex, was deemed "not repentant", and was marked because she was not baptised. Police were not contacted "because of reproach upon Jehovah". Sister was told if she did NOT drop the case internally, or if she reported it police, she would be disfellowshipped for slander.!!!!!!!
Your most DISTURBING WATCHTOWER Bethel/Branch experience? (No full names please)
by Balaamsass inok.. you 70 plus bethelite members.... this is your chance to share stories!
inquiring minds want to know !no full names please..follow t.o.s.
to avoid borg libel lawsuits).. i will start the ball rolling with week one.
One policy of the Governing Body I found disturbing from the early 70s through the 80s was the long term Real Estate and Financial Planning 5 to 10 years out ...all the while they are preaching the END IS NEAR!!!!
by Balaamsass ini have been reading countless heartbreaking accounts on this site of children of jehovah's witnesses being "disfellowshipped" and shunned by entire families, their congregations, basicly everyone they have ever known for simply questioning their parent's religion!!.
some have been tossed out of family homes to live in cars!!!
this is not christian.
It would be great if we could help put an end to this Barbaric practice by posting disfellowshipping of minors on this site, and have members report this child abuse to local authorites. Can you imagine the power of just a few dozen site members calling the local authorities? The local elders would think twice before doing it again. THE PRESS WOULD LOVE THIS.
What do you think?
Can anyone point me to a LINK for the last years "secret" letters to Elders from the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society ?
by Balaamsass ini just found a link to the newest 2010 elders book and downloaded the entire pdf from another site.
i would love a pdf of the latest private letters regarding: "medical records", "information sharing".
"apostates", "disfellowshipping" "conditional gifts/loans" "senior abuse" and "child abuse".
Interesting. The new understanding of Apostate has been enlarged. Basicly, if your not for us, you are against us.....hummm
Attn: Nurses, Psychologists, anybody in the Medical Field
by Iamallcool ini have a female friend that has been having chronic earaches.
she has been going to the health clinic frequently lately.
i saw her today and she is very hyperactive and feeling good.
My doctor gave me a decongestant to open my ear passages. Same thing people cook down for Meth. I can not spell it. Yes - wound me up PLUS I was no longer in pain! WHOPPEE!!
Does anyone know the networth of the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society ?
by Balaamsass inwith the more recent assimilation of congregation properties, profit on sales of major real estate worldwide, and building of the new upstate compound does anyone have a handle on current net worth?
"book value"?.
it would seem some of this data would be available by government charities disclosure.
Great JeffT,
The Multitude of US Corporations should be quite a hurdle. Also when dealing with hard assets -valuation- book value THAT will be hard to calculate I would assume. Most wall street anaylists personally visit to get a feel for that. And of course off-shore assets. WOW.........THANK YOU!
1984 WT Cover, one more arrow in our quiver
by FatFreek 2005 inwe certainly don't want to allow watchtower the luxury of forgetting.
for your private campaign, right click on the image and follow the menu item of your choice.
len miller.