This seriously makes me want to vomit. I read the article, printed it out, and made copies (to maybe distribute) when someone first mentioned it on here. The idea that a victim of spousal abuse should be blamed for said abuse is just plain evil. And no manner of "showing love" is going to make a beater stop beating. It's all about dominance and control, which rarely goes away. And any religion that completely belittles women and elevates the husband's position is clearly not going to help the situation! Especially since it seems from all the anecdotes on this website that they don't care if wives are being beaten. Love, hugs, and prayers (if you still believe in God) for all the people who've been victimized here. No one should EVER have to put up with that. And I bet if you surveyed the man in the clouds, he would be angry at anyone who used his words to justify abuse.
I know that they're ATTEMPTING to say that if you're stuck in a bad marriage and aren't going to seek divorce, you should try to be the bigger person. And in this belief system, they don't think you should leave them, so that's probably what the average JW would think. Stay with them or lose your friends, family, and religion. So for the JW who's stuck in this crap, that's the approach she has to take. Just don't let it affect me, show that I can overcome it, or whatever. I really think they should stress that the Bible DOES ALLOW for separation. I get that the Bible says only adultery can end marriage, but I've been a Christian my whole life and I doubt any of my church friends would frown on the idea of an abuse victim getting a divorce. This is the 21st century. And no one cared a lick about spousal abuse until more recent history. It was hardly going to be mentioned in the Bible. Do I think people come up with stupid reasons to get divorced? Yes, I do. Is abuse one of them? Absolutely not. Maybe it's just me, but I think the divorce rules in the Bible are more meant for "Oh, we drifted apart" or "Oh, we've already been married three months; I need a change!" Not "the best gift I could give my husband is boxing gloves and my face." Spousal abuse is worse than adultery.
On a side note, I love how the apparent "unbelieving" mate in those pictures is wearing a cross. Seriously? All these illustrations of "unbelieving" spouses being judgmental, angry, and not giving the religion a chance. These are all regular Christians, apparently. Sounds more like how JWs would react to a former JW spouse becoming a Christian, since they think we're all a bunch of Satanists. And most other Christians couldn't give less of a rat's patootie about the beliefs of JWs; most don't even know what they are. I didn't even care til the boyfriend started trying to get me interested. We don't go around condemning them all day, like they apparently do to us. In fact, I have empathy and feel badly for them being misled by a bunch of old guys who have a Neanderthal's understanding of women's issues. (And that's an insult to Neanderthals.)