I probably would have said, "I don't got to the Kingdom Hall because you might be there, and you're the uglyist little kid I've ever seen!"
so, yesterday (saturday) i was working on homework while pyramidscheme and his son were outside in the garage.
i hear the doorbell ring, at noon, and go to answer it.
it's a car group!
I probably would have said, "I don't got to the Kingdom Hall because you might be there, and you're the uglyist little kid I've ever seen!"
researchers say cause may be unhealthy food at religious activities.
Well, that goes to show you! If they were Pioneering they would be fit and slim, from all that good exercise walking down the street, and knocking on doors..... Wrong Religion will always make you 'fat'.
be creative.
have some fun.
Mitchell Twitchell
Hey, are them dogs JW's? If so, they forgot to pray before they ate.
our local newspaper reported the following today: 'rest on the sabbath.
heed old testament dietary codes.
and be ready for jesus to return at any moment.
Our local newspaper reported the following today: 'Rest on the Sabbath. Heed Old Testament dietary codes. And be ready for Jesus to return at any moment. If these practices sound quaint, think again. They're hallmarks of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, the fastest growing Christian denomination in North America. Newly released data show Seventh-day Adventism growing by 2.5 percent in North America, a rapid clip for this part of the world, where other church groups are declining. Adventists are growing 75 percent faster than Mormons ( 1.4 percent ) who prioritize growth.'
Several years back when I was associated with JW's, we made the claim and boasted that Jehovah's Witnesses were the fastest growing religion! Now of course when they are not, they revert to the old standby saying, ' Narrow is the gate, and few are the ones finding the right path as opposed to the wide road to destruction! Either way, the Witnesses have an answer for everything that happens.
They probably could have grown much larger and faster had they treated their people like human beings rather than 'rank & file' peons. But alas, they didn't have the brains or forthought to do anything like that!
Outaservice (but still counting my time!)
have any of you who formally diassociated yourself from jehovah's witness by letter sent anything in writing to the entire congregation?
would it be considered bad form to send a letter to friends in the congregation regarding your decision and the reasons for it, before/after/simultaneously you send a letter to the boe?.
i think i would feel compelled to, out of acknowledgement that most of them would not speak to me after "the big announcement.
If you do decide to write a letter of disassociation, timing is of the essence. As soon as the body of Elders receive it they will contact/tell all they can not to read anything sent from you.
So, try and send it maybe on a Sunday night so that your friends/relatives will get it before a big congregation meeting where you would be cut off on the path.
It might be good to be a little on the brief side but let them know that if ever they want to know more details/facts they can contact you at.......(address, e-mail, phone, etc., etc.) Confirm your love for God and them and consider the 'seed' planted in their heart. Will it grow? Who knows.
i ask this, because i just got wind that at my hall, we're paying the travel expenses for a bethelite to come and do our memorial talk.
i don't know how much this is going to run us, but i fail to see the practicality of it.
he's not delivering a special memorial outline or anything.
The only thing that 'excited' me was when a talk was cancelled due to bad weather!
with apologies to laverite.... growing up as a jw i always imagined the new system (tm) as being just like it's presented in the literature (tm).
i thought we'd all be hanging around with dorky looks on our faces, petting tigers and panda bears all day while we eat fruit and practice our dorky grins.. peronsally, i've never seen an illustration from the society showing modern conveniences.
the people in the illlustrations are always working in a garden somewhere (while wearing meeting clothes) or looking heavenward with a frontal lobotomy smile.. i think to be able to survive in this new world, i would need alcohol and lots of it.
Chocolate 'bars' at least, I hope! Of course Judge Rutherford would like the other kind, so there may be many!
i am curious as to what the members here look like.
be totally honest now.
not everyone looks like a knockout or mr. buff.... .