Don't you know that the April 1st issue every year is the April Fools issue?
Yep, every year the Watchtower has some 'screwball' article in that issue.
Outaservice (stay alive til 75!)
honestly, i read the first paragraph and burst out laughing.
do they not have a clue that this applies to their own followers??.
i've included the first article, and am mid-way through transcribing the second one, which i'll finish tomorrow when i come home from work.. feel free to comment too!.
Don't you know that the April 1st issue every year is the April Fools issue?
Yep, every year the Watchtower has some 'screwball' article in that issue.
Outaservice (stay alive til 75!)
i've only got 12 months to live unless i make 100,000 ($142,000) in the next 12 months.. do you sincerely want to be wealthier than you are at present?.
you have been sentenced to death.
your execution will take place one year from today - unless you earn 100,000 in the next 12 months.
I don't know much about British Pounds, but if I needed dollars I would ask everyone on this Board to please send me $10.00 right away.
Others like 'Larc' would probably send a couple of hundred dollars, and hopefully I would have enough soon!
Outaservice (Stay alive til 75!)
i've been lurking here for some time now.
i'm not a jw, never been a jw, and don't plan on becoming a jw...however my life has been effected by the jw's whether i like it or not (dad's death/mom's conversion).
seems most here are exjw's or i'm not too sure if i'm welcome or not?
I don't own the 'Board' but as far as I'm concerned you're very welcome here.
page 9, paragraph 9, first edition.
........also, as reported back in 1960, a former united states secretary of state, dean acheson, declared that our time is "a period of unequaled instability, enequaled violence.
" and he warned: "i know enough of what is going on to assure you that, in fifteen years from today, this world is going to be too dangerous to live in.".
Page 9, Paragraph 9, First Edition
........Also, as reported back in 1960, a former United States Secretary of State, Dean Acheson, declared that our time is "a period of unequaled instability, enequaled violence." And he warned: "I know enough of what is going on to assure you that, in fifteen years from today, this world is going to be too dangerous to live in."
Page 9, Paragraph 9, 1981 Revised Edition
........Also, as reported back in 1960, a former United States Secretary of State, Dean Acheson, declared that our time is "a period of enequaled instability, enequaled violence." Based on what he knew was then going on in the world, it was his conclusion that soon "this world is going to be too dangerous to live in."
Lets see, 1960 plus 15 years would be 1975! Of course after 1975 things just did not go the way the Watchtower was hinting at. Better change the 'truth' just a little. And now it is 2002!
I guess 'Truth' can be revised as needed!
Truthfully yours,
in the january 1 issue of each year, they harp on about how many hours the jws did last year etc etc.. how many hours are possibly falsely reported?.
And to think the Society had the gall to say that close to a billion hours were spent last year preaching the good news!
Everyone knows there are not that many hours in a year! Ain't that right Brother Hall?
Outaservice (but still countin my time!)
use your imagination for just a moment...... clearly, the blood issue is heating up -internally!.
the recent letters from the service dept.
(exposed on the.
1 Cor. 3:19 (Job 5:13).......he catches the wise in their own cunning".
Luke 19:22 To a wicked slave......'Out of your own mouth I judge you...'
Yes the Watchtower does not need Apostates to condemn them as they do it themselves over and over again in their own publications! In their history of 'many words' (books and magazines) they have and continue to back themselves into corners which eventually they will not be able to get out of!
Outaservice (Who prints more books than the Watchtower? Eccl. 12:12)
i just got off the phone with author barbara grizzuti harrison (visions of glory; italian days, etc.
) who is currently living in brooklyn and has serious health problems.
she is now 67, but is very mentally alert and still has an excellent sense of humor!
There are companies that deal in out of print books. You could look for them and try to get the book. I got mine from a source in England sometime ago although I lost the information on it. You will pay a premium to get one if you can find one.
I do think VISIONS OF GLORY would now be a big seller again in view of the Internet and many JW's starting to question things more now.
If everyone on this Board would send Randy/Dogpatch $5.00, I believe enough money could be raised for a reprint if Barbara would okay it.
Is this a possibility Randy? What do you think the cost would be?
well, my plans are to keep working in my parent's bakery.
after my father retires in about 5 years i will take over the business and place my roommate eliud as the manager.
i will buy a blockbuster franchise and spend most of my time running it.
Yeah, if you kept it quiet who you were you could make a killing on chocolate doughnuts when the JW's take their morning coffee break.
I know you could have made a living off me alone!
Outaservice (who kept counting his time while on coffee break!)
P.S. The world does not need another Bank, Gas Station, Video Store, but a bakery, now thats a different story!
i'm just curious how many of you that have/had a home security system used the code '1914'?.
i know around here you could have broken into any jw's home on a sunday morning using it.. outaservice (who changed his code to 1975!
I'm just curious how many of you that have/had a home security system used the code '1914'?
I know around here you could have broken into any JW's home on a Sunday morning using it.
Outaservice (Who changed his code to 1975!)
im a liceinced electrician now working in wireless communication installations.i love the electrical industry,there is so much to learn and so many different things do work with and technology is always changing.never a boaring day especially when we are working in the office buildings downtown,chicks everywhere!.
I'm 'corporate fat'. Get paid the most, do the least!
Outaservice (who always gave the magazines at no charge!)